Video: Gravity and the Great Attractor
George Takei and Mark Hamill are guests on this episode of Irrelevant Astronomy. And how can you say no to a tongue-in-cheek robot talk show produced by NASA anyway?
Video Smogesboard: Because Fridays!
So because I really am in an uncommonly cranky mood this week. (Yes, more than usual!) I dug back into our archives for some classic video clips. These aren’t the award-winning Red 5 and Chad Vader stuff that everyone remembers, just some funny bits that maybe ran rampant on the internets a few years back and forgotten. A couple more beneath the cut. Continue reading “Video Smogesboard: Because Fridays!”
The catchup: Links from Twitter
Here are some of the things I’ve micro-blogged over @clubjade in the last week or so.
Clothing: Behold the Anatomy of the AT-AT t-shirt!
Guardians of peace and justice? Eight Scottish officers with the Strathclyde Police and two of their civilian co-workers have listed their religion as “Jedi.”
Crazy Twilight fan theater. Lady Sybilla’s industrial-sized victim complex trucks on! She’s now claiming that “Characters don’t belong to authors. Authors don’t create characters. They merely channel them.”
Lulz. io9’s Charlie Jane Anders pegs Obi-Wan Kenobi as one of the Great Unsung Slash Fiction Heroes. I know it’s pretty ironic that the most code-abiding Jedi in the saga is the fandom bicycle of Star Wars fanfic, but these things just tend to happen when Ewan MacGregor is involved.
Video fun! We Didn’t Start the Flame War! (NSFW, mostly for language.)
Cheap shots: Star Wars/Macgyver mashup
The mashup we didn’t know we were waiting for! (via)
Video: Latest Half-Blood Prince trailer
This is the English version of the Japanese trailer, with an additional focus on Jim Broadbent’s Professor Slughorn.
Video: Scanner plays the Imperial March
Video: Vin Diesel and Dungeons and Dragons
Seriously! Check out this quote:
I mean, I was literally playing Dungeons and Dragons with Judi Dench and Karl Urban at nights after shooting. I will tell you that I was showing her Dungeons and Dragons books and showing her the different properties of Elementals. Call me crazy.
He taught Dame Judi Dench to play D&D. Just goes to show… You never know.
Video: Chewbacca ala stratocaster
New clips from Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings for Wii
The long awaited Indiana Jones video game, Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings has a little more unearthed this week, with this video featurette on starwars.com with the developers showing how using your Wiimote will do all the things Indy does – punching, flying, shooting, swatting creepy crawlies and cracking that whip. So how will that translate for the non-Wii versions (PS2, PSP, DS)?