Carrie Fisher’s urn is a giant Prozac pill, because of course it is

Carrie Fisher’s ashes were laid to rest in a giant Prozac pill. (You can see the pictures at Buzzfeed.) Her brother Todd explains to Entertainment Tonight:

“Carrie’s favorite possession was a giant Prozac pill that she bought many years ago. A big pill,” Todd explained. “She loved it, and it was in her house, and Billie and I felt it was where she’d want to be.”

He also said the private service for family and friends on Thursday – attended by Meryl Streep, George Lucas and others – was “fitting” and ” beautiful.”

Yesterday also saw Fisher’s Star Wars son, Adam Driver, share his thoughts on the actress with Stephen Colbert. Here’s the clip:

Wear Star Wars Every Day: Week 51 & Final Drive!

We’re currently on the final week of the #WearStarWarsEveryDay fundraising campaign for Collateral Repair Project and we had a fantastic week 51: over $1,000 raised in just the week from December 16th to 23rd, from sixteen donors! I put out a call to bump our total over $5,000 and you responded – by the end of week 51, we’ve raised over a total of $5,064 including the GoFundMe and offline donations. And we’re keeping the momentum going, hoping to push the Wear Star Wars Every Day GoFundMe alone over $5,000 – and as of 12/27, we only need $300 more to do it, so make your contribution today, before the year ends! Did I mention cool random prizes as a thank you? Yes, yes I did.

In probably our biggest week of fundraising yet, I’d like to thank a whole bunch of folks for donating to Collateral Repair Project, and I want to start with Mediocre Jedi, who issued a Twitter challenge. For each retweet he got about his challenge for helping Wear Star Wars Every Day within 12 hours, he would donate a dollar, and that added up to $162 raised! Also big thanks to all these other donors: Ian, Anonymous, Stuart, Nancy, Maia, a different Anonymous, Charity, a different Ian, Miguel, another different Anonymous, Linda, Leah, Annalee, MC, and Brendan. Wow! That’s a lot of thoughtful and generous people. Plus I’m grateful for Dunc and Lillian donating some wear for this week, and Annalee and Stuart lending some cool threads.

We went from celebrating the release of Rogue One to some outerwear to mark the start of winter this week, with shirts, a custom-made cover, a fleece and a Poe Dameron pilot costume jacket (courtesy of Baby Jawa). Every day I wear a new and different Star Wars apparel item, my daily pledge makers will chip in $4.65 to Collateral Repair Project! This review for Week 51 covers December 16 to December 23 of my wearathon, and an update on fundraising for and the latest happenings at Collateral Repair Project, a non-profit organization that provides emergency assistance, education, and community support to urban refugees.

Get more info on what Wear Star Wars Every Day is all about, or make a donation via GoFundMe.

Plus, there’s soon going to be a way to help support Collateral Repair Project beyond 2016 – Soon, I’ll be putting up donated apparel on eBay with proceeds going directly to CRP. So this might be your chance to get your hands on some of the really rare threads I’ve worn that were donated to the project, including this week’s STARZ The Force Awakens fleece. Stay tuned!

Wear Star Wars Every Day: Weeks 49 & 50 and the year end final push!

My #WearStarWarsEveryDay fundraising campaign has surged into December, and has plenty of cool looks in the lead up to the opening of Rogue One. Since I was so busy with preparing for my local Rogue One premiere event, I wasn’t able to assemble a review for Week 49 last week, so now you get a Death Star-sized video covering both Weeks 49 and 50. Also, we really could use your help to get us to a nice big number for the end of the project at the end of the year.

When I started Wear Star Wars Every Day and selected Collateral Repair Project as the charity I wanted to raise funds and awareness for, I had no idea how long the project would end up going or how much money I would be raising for Collateral Repair Project’s work in helping urban refugees in Amman, Jordan with emergency assistance for food and heating, education and wellness programs, and community building. And now after nearly a year, I’m hoping to top $5,000 in funds raised – and we’re almost there! As of 12/20, we are at almost $4,300 with 11 days left in 2016 ($3,180 on GoFundMe, $1,167 from offline donations). Can you help in pushing us over the $5,000 mark? You can quickly donate via the GoFundMe, or contribute via other methods to Collateral Repair Project directly.

I had originally set a very ambitious goal of $10,000 when I began this fundraiser, and would love to reach that goal, but I think that it would be awesome to finish strong at $5,000 or even higher. So if you’ve been on the fence or just had it on your to-do list but haven’t gotten around to it yet, now’s the time to make that tax-deductible contribution. *Cue Sarah McLachlan sad music* $20 is enough to provide a mattress to a refugee, while $50 is enough to provide a family of four refugees with food for a month. And I got a whole pile of cool prizes to reward those who donate from 12/21 to 12/31, including the leftover prizes from the November prize drawing and more!

In the two weeks from December 2 to December 15, we had nothing but t-shirts, including a lot of unique designs. Thanks to Ian for donating several shirts, and to Danielle and Stuart for lending some cool Star Wars wear. Plus I show off my custom shirts for my prequel movie premiere events as we head into the launch of Rogue One, with a shirt made just for the event. There’s a cool Disneyland shirt, and some treats from San Diego Comic-Con, and even a custom-printed Star Wars Customizable Card Game shirt of everyone’s favorite frog-dog, Bubo.

And big thanks to our donors in this time period: Susan, Christine, Kristen, and Jennifer. All four of them made some solid contributions to boost our fundraising total to over $4,000 (roughly $2,900 on the GoFundMe and $1,100 in offline or direct donations).

Every day I wear a new and different Star Wars apparel item, my daily pledge makers will chip in $4.65 to Collateral Repair Project! This review for Week 49 and Week 50 covers December 2 to December 15 of my wearathon, and an update on fundraising for and the latest happenings at Collateral Repair Project, a non-profit organization that provides emergency assistance, education, and community support to urban refugees.

Get more info on what Wear Star Wars Every Day is all about, or make a donation via GoFundMe.

Plus, there’s soon going to be a way to help support Collateral Repair Project beyond 2016 – Soon, I’ll be putting up donated apparel on ebay with proceeds going directly to CRP. So this might be your chance to get your hands on some of the really rare threads I’ve worn that were donated to the project, including that sweet BB-8 lighter thumbs-up ladies tee from Star Wars Celebration Europe that I hinted that you could get your hands on, way back in August. I had hoped that I would have been able to start these auctions before the holiday season, but we’re still waiting for ebay to add Collateral Repair Project to their list of charity auction partners. Stay tuned!