You know what’s coming, I’m sure.
Video: Yoda records for TomTom GPS
Remember Vader? They now have C-3PO and Yoda.
Videos: Katy Perry geek filks
‘I Kissed a Nerd’ has been popping up all over this week, but ‘California Dorks’ gets my vote. (Via Mandy.)
Video: The 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time
I don’t like your jerkoff name, I don’t like your jerkoff face, I don’t like your jerkoff behavior and I don’t like you. Jerk off.
Trailer: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Because we’re just not starved enough for a half-decent movie this year…
Video: AT-AT day afternoon
With Jabba the poo! (By Patrick Boivin, who did the Fett Flashdance video from a few years back.)
Saturday silliness: Gandalf Goes to the World Cup
With apologies. (via)
Video: HBO teases A Game of Thrones
The first teaser for the upcoming Game of Thrones aired tonight, targeting the True Blood faithful. The video is very blink-and-you’ll-miss-it, but you can head over to the official page (or the fanblog Winter is Coming) for a good look at Sean Bean in costume.
Since we last checked in, a few roles have been recast: Michelle Fairley has stepped in as Catelyn, and Emilia Clarke as Daenerys. Filming is due to start in July.
Video: Snoop, Beckham hock Star Wars shoes again
Music dudes, sports stars, Jay Baruchel, the cantina scene… Yup, it’s another adidas originals commercial.
Video: The Bechdel Test for women in movies
The Bechdel Test or Mo Movie Measure (misnamed as it may be) is a simple formula that tests three simple things in a movie: a) if there are (named) female characters and b) that they talk to each other about c) something other than a man.
Most movies fail this by a mile, including the lions share of the Star Wars saga.
I believe The Phantom Menace (Shmi and Padme) and Attack of the Clones (Padme and Queen Jamillia, Padme and Beru) may be the only Star Wars movies that pass the Bechdel test… Though perhaps barely, Anakin being a topic (but not a romantic one) in all three conversations I’m thinking of. Thoughts?