It’s not what you’re expecting. Well, maybe it is. (via)
The Clone Wars: ‘Nomad Droids’ takes Threepio and Artoo on an excellent adventure
Tonight’s episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars sends C-3PO and R2-D2 from one crazy adventure into another with ‘Nomad Droids’. Does the Force favor these two as they survive an assault by General Grievous on their craft, only to escape from the attack and end up on their own fantastic voyage — or is it Gulliver’s Travels? Check out the clip above for Threepio and Artoo passing through the battle around them (homage to the opening of A New Hope,) and the clip below for their own lesson in “Size matters not.”
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Going behind the scenes on Red Tails
This past week, the Red Tails facebook page brought up an album of new photos showing the cast and crew on location. Also, they released the clip above of the actors on the set talking about how they’ve bonded on the set.
Last week, two of the stars of Red Tails, Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Terrence Howard, were at a screening of the companion documentary, Double Victory to the Congressional Black Caucus and talked about the Tuskegee Airmen, blacks in Hollywood, and George Lucas’ role in the films. Two of the original Tuskegee Airmen also took the stage at the screening, sharing their viewpoint on being heroes. Watch for screenings of Double Victory in select cities around Veterans Day.
Go on a ‘Mercy Mission’ with The Clone Wars
“Welcome to our disaster!” Tonight’s episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars features C-3PO and R2-D2 as they accompany Clone Commander Wolffe’s battalion of clones on a relief mission on quake-hit Aleen. Judging from the preview clip of ‘Mercy Mission’, it looks like Threepio and Artoo have their work cut out for them.
Warehouse 13 season finale tonight!
Syfy’s Warehouse 13 ends season three with a two-hour finale tonight – watch a sneak peek above! Actor Eddie McClintock gives some hints about the finale and talks about some of the different recurring guest stars from this season, Kate Mulgrew, Anthony Michael Hall and Jaime Murray. If you want some serious teasers, Pop Culture Zoo has got you covered.
Video: Kid’s mind is blown by Vader’s reveal
Four-year-old Faris sees The Empire Strikes Back for the first time.
The Clone Wars returns to Naboo and Kurosawa with ‘Shadow Warrior’
The main heroes and villains of the prequels collide in ‘Shadow Warrior’, this week’s episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. As shown in the clip, Anakin and Dooku square off, meanwhile Padme discovers that Grievous and his droid armies are going to invade Theed, but the Gungans are also marching on the capital of Naboo. As Bryan Young points out, this episode is likely a homage to the 1980 Akira Kurosawa film Kagemusha (The Shadow Warrior), whose international edition lists George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola as executive producers. This is not the first time The Clone Wars has been inspired by Kurosawa: season two’s episode ‘Bounty Hunters’ was a tribute to the classic Seven Samurai.
TGIF: Clearly it’s time for a He-Man dance party
This is amazing and hilarious and you need to watch it. At least if you grew up in the great timespan of cheesiness that spans the mid-80’s and the early 90’s. (via… They know who they are.)
Video: Porkins gets his due
What can I say: It’s Monday.
Video: Chill out with Yoda’s musical wisdom
Yoda gets a remix in this video from the Symphony of Science. (via)