Because things are beyond slow today, here’s a mashup. (via)
Star Wars with occasional sarcasm
Because things are beyond slow today, here’s a mashup. (via)
With the big news this week, we’ve been neglecting what we thought would be the big event for the next few weeks: the release of Angry Birds Star Wars on November 8, as Rovio has quietly released a few more gameplay videos. Artoo and Threepio you can see above, with a few more under the cut. Continue reading “Video: More Angry Birds Star Wars gameplay”
The Clone Wars. The Hollywood Reporter’s sources confirm that the cartoon will likely be making the move to Disney XD. Cartoon Network, which is owned by Turner/Time Warner, has the rights only up through current season. DisneyXD airs action-oriented shows and currently has a block dedicated to Marvel cartoons.
Episode 7 rumors. First Showing has a source denying the 1952 rumor, while Skywalking author Dale Pollock tells The Wrap that 7, 8 and 9 were the “most exciting stories.” And though there have been some rumblings from some hopeful to see Steven Spielberg finally take on a full Star Wars film, Spielberg fan Paul Bullock lays out some reasons why this is unlikely.
Ladies! Slate’s Alyssa Rosenberg on how women can save the Star Wars franchise. Like I said earlier, I would love a female protagonist heading this thing! It doesn’t even have to be someone we already know.
Reaction. Entertainment Weekly nabbed some big name Hollywood talent on how they feel about more Star Wars. Knights Archive has a nice collection of comments from Lucasfilm folks, authors, actors and other notables. MTV talked to TFN’s Eric Geller and Big Shiny Robot’s Bryan Young, while ABC News asked Devi Laskar, artist Tom Hodges, and yours truly. And our friends over the pond at Jedi News are talking to the U.K. media! But you don’t have to go to the news sites: Thoughts from fans like Michael Heilemann and Amy Ratcliffe. As for Expanded Universe fans, here are more thoughts from Tosche Station’s Brian, Knight Archive’s Ryan, and Fangirl’s Tricia Barr.
Speculation! Lists! People just can’t stop writing them. The Hollywood Reporter finds 15 potential writers, Slashfilm has 10 filmmakers to direct (and 5 who shouldn’t,) and Big Shiny Robot has yet more possible directors. Taking a different track, Screenrant has pros and cons of the deal, while Hitfix has some things to watch.
And now for something completely different… You know it’s not real news until crazy folks at NMA weigh in with a video. For something more serious, check out Empire’s infographic of who has what franchises.
…And now for something completely different. Yes, The Clone Wars must go on, as ‘The Gathering’ starts a new, youngling-focused arc of the show tomorrow morning – and possible backdoor pilot? (Can we trust our pre-Disney speculations?)
These were the episodes previewed at Celebration, and you can still check out James’ thoughts.. Or, you can view another preview clip under the cut.
Continue reading “The Clone Wars brings ‘The Gathering’ into a whole new world of Star Wars“
Yes, it’s official and it is 100% for real: Disney has acquired Lucasfilm. (Here it is on We’ll know more details in a few minutes but some of the points from the press release and conference call:
Here’s a video where George Lucas and Kathleen Kennedy talk about the future of the movies:
Per the release employees will be remaining at their currently locations, so hopefully this is all great news for our friends at Lucasfilm. On the official blog, Pablo Hidalgo writes a bit about the winds of change; Steve Sansweet has weighed in as well, and J.W. Rinzler looks at the ‘history’ of Episodes VII-IX.
Since most of geekdom will be talking about nothing but today…
The Onderon arc continues in ‘The Soft Wars’ and I’m having Yul Brenner flashbacks. (‘Ramsis?’ I AM NOT FOOLED.)
Oh, and before I forget, season 4 is coming out on Blu-ray and DVD next week. Because 4 weeks into the new season is ideal timing for that, I guess.
…Flash-mob orchestra? Watch and see. (via)
Lucky Buffy has this spiffy kitty playhouse to lounge in.