Your Cumberbatch dose of the day, or something.
Video: Updating the Imperial March
Actor/comedian Ben Schwartz and composer Michael Giacchino brainstorm a new take on ‘The Imperial March.’ J.J. Abrams is reportedly “not interested.”
Interview: Randy Stradley & Douglas Wheatley on Dark Times
And you thought my con coverage was over! Here’s Randy Stradley, writer of Star Wars: Dark Times, and Douglas Wheatley, artist of Dark Times, discussing the start of the current arc, ‘A Spark Remains’. If you haven’t checked it out yet, Issue #1 came out in July, just before Comic-Con, and the second issue comes out today. While setting the stage for the activity in the first issue of ‘A Spark Remains’ (check out my review of #1 on Big Shiny Robot), the pair kept mum about the future of Jedi Dass Jennir and his friends, as well as other projects being worked on. Bonus: we get photobombed at the very end by a certain Sith voice actor.
Hamill vs. Hamill: Joker voices Palpatine
This mashup replaces Palpatine’s vocals with those of Hamill’s animated/video game Joker – and swaps Darth Vader’s dialouge for Tom Hardy’s Bane from The Dark Knight Rises. It’s a little weird and a little hilarious. (via)
Video: First look at toy documentary Plastic Galaxy
Here’s a sneak peek teaser of Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys, which will be available on DVD next month. And no nerds, those aren’t the final graphics… But a few familiar faces do appear!
Legend of Korra returns September 13
Good news for everyone who enjoys sleeping in on Saturday mornings: Nickelodeon is now premiering the show Friday night at 7, starting the new season (well, Book 2) on September 13.
Book 2 will run 14 episodes, 2 more than Book 1; Books 3 and 4 are also in the pipeline.
Trailer park: Thor, Loki and more
The latest trailer for Thor: The Dark World reportably contains some of the footage that was shown at Comic-Con, and also features plenty of Loki.
Below the cut: New looks at Ender’s Game and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Video: Warwick Davis and Mark Hamill
One more video out of Celebration Europe… Warwick Davis and Mark Hamill talk about Return of the Jedi and toys.
Video: Nerdist animates Patton Oswalt’s Star Wars plot from Parks and Rec
Back in April, Patton Oswalt appeared on Parks and Rec and delivered a citizen filibuster outlining his plot for Star Wars episode VII, incorporating the Marvel universe, and a full version of the improvised rant popped up on the internet for all to see. Now Nerdist has gone ahead and animated the rant, to help bring Oswalt’s vision to two-dimensional life.
Video: Warwick Davis and the Five Fetts
Sunday at Celebration Europe was the Fett-tastic Four panel, which quickly turned into a quintet with the surprise arrival of Temuera Morrison to join Jeremy Bulloch, Daniel Logan, John Morton (who filled in as Boba Fett for a few days in The Empire Strikes Back), and Dickey Beer (Boba Fett stunts in Return of the Jedi). The stage show was quite a bit of fun, with Bulloch making his appearance in his 501st Legion Boba Fett costume, and Warwick hosting a series of games to see which of the four Boba Fetts was the best: in shooting Nerf guns at Ewoks, and emoting after Jango’s beheading (aka Four Fetts and a Funeral). Here, Warwick Davis chats with the Fett family about the enduring popularity of Boba Fett.