Inside the Magic has posted the Star Wars portion of the live-action panel, above, plus Bob Iger’s announcement of Star Wars land:
And here’s the extended presentation from the Parks panel:
Backstage stuff under the cut!
Star Wars with occasional sarcasm
Inside the Magic has posted the Star Wars portion of the live-action panel, above, plus Bob Iger’s announcement of Star Wars land:
And here’s the extended presentation from the Parks panel:
Backstage stuff under the cut!
If you’re not up to watch the entire The Force Awakens panel from last night, catch the highlights above. And the full backstage interviews are below the cut!
Continue reading “SDCC video: The Force Awakens highlights, backstage interviews with cast and crew” now has an official mobile app, available in iOS and Android. It’s free, but good luck remembering your Disney ID password!
With the premiere on Saturday, we got a big helping of Rebels yesterday, and a few more things today. First up, another video with cast and crew looking ahead, with Simon Kinberg saying this season has more of an Empire Strikes Back feel.
There’s more with Kinberg at Entertainment Weekly, where he talks Vader.
To promote their new book, Ultimate Star Wars, DK Publishing has dispatched the four authors across the US on a book tour. I caught up with Tricia Barr and Adam Bray at their talk and signing at the Carlsbad Library in southern California, and ended up moderating the author talk at the library.
After the signing, I was able to sit down with Adam Bray to go more in depth about Ultimate Star Wars and some other upcoming projects. Catch the book tour when it comes to your area!
Backstage at Celebration, Mark Hamill chats with James Arnold Taylor about Star Wars and shared some family photos from the Return of the Jedi set. (The Force Awakens stuff starts at 7:20. #Beardwatch!)
A bunch of other Celebration videos have gone up over the past few days as well, most pulls from the livestream, including interviews with Billy Dee Williams, Ray Park, Joel Aron, Doug Chiang and Christian Alzmann, among others. And then there’s con highlights that played during the Closing Ceremonies…
A lot of fans have already seen the premiere here, but for the rest of us, here’s the season 2 trailer that dropped earlier in the day.
The newest Star Wars stars discuss Celebration, their Star Wars histories, filming The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams and more behind the scenes in Anaheim. There’s also video with Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy, Carrie Fisher and Anthony Daniels, and Mark Hamill and Peter Mayhew.
J.J. Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy’s “special guests” included the new trio – Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and Oscar Isaac – who confirmed some of what we’d already heard and/or guessed about their characters. We also got to see the (real!) BB-8 and Artoo, plus their makers, and of course Anthony Daniels, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and Peter Mayhew also showed up. I’ll be back later with more, but for now just keep an eye on @clubjade, where I’ve been far more active than on the blog. (Sorry!)
In the meantime, you can backwatch the panel yourself!
And another video that dropped on us today:
Here’s just the BB-8 portion of the livestream:
We’ve heard a bit of this before, but Oscar Isaac tells Jimmy Fallon how his uncle scored an extra role on The Force Awakens