Video Monday: Cute Attack

Combining this week’s quota of Weird Al and Lego content in one amazing package: The Saga Begins – in Lego.

Why you shouldn’t leave laser weapons laying around the house. (Warning: baby.)

There endth this week’s Star Wars content.

Kenya is a flash animation that everyone on the internet should have seen by now. (But hey, if folks keep linking ‘Store Wars,’ there’s gotta be a couple folks out there who haven’t seen this yet, either.) It’s by the same folks who did that internet classic, Badger Badger Badger. And yes, they both repeat.

Pug bowling! A touching tale of revenge so adorable it ought to be illegal.

And to take us on home, a kitten on a keyboard.

Video Monday

Holy copyright infringement, Batman! It’s Turkish Star Wars (Complete with ripped-off ANH footage, and keeping with that theme, I think I saw an old-school Cylon as well.) Also on Youtube, a very painful training scene And there’s a sequel! More information on the films at Cinematical, with more video at iFilm. (Video via Bonnie)

Songvid alert! Captain Jack is bringing the sexy back. Aspect ratio is off, but I don’t care.

Futurama returns! It’s in ur house, drinking ur beers.

Remember the Vector Prime commercial? Ha ha.

G4’s X-Play hits Star Wars again with an Imperial Press conference and the Rebel shopping network.

Bits and Pieces

Video Monday

Triumph of the Empire, an Imperial propaganda film entirely in LEGO. Inspired, obviously, by Triumph of the Will (which should be no stranger to well-studied fans,) when I first watched this I thought it was from the latest LEGO game, but apparently not. Amazing.

Speaking of LEGO… The Han Solo Affair. This one is done for LFL/LEGO – the company has also done Monty Python and Spiderman films.

Three in the Afternoon is a fanfilm about dorks with lightsabers. That doesn’t suck. (Trust me: Most of them do.)

There are a couple of Star Wars references in Weird Al’s latest video, ‘White and Nerdy.’ Are you shocked? I’m shocked.

The Mother of All Movie Trailers. Edward Norton!
Dancing Jango
Stephen Colbert and Buffy team up. Why? BEARS!
Henchmen Strike Back! Why aren’t you watching The Venture Brothers?

Random Secret Cracktastic Bonus Video: Stephen Colbert’s ‘Charlene (I’m right behind you)’