This is another one I feel little silly hedging on for the spoiler-free among us, so let’s head right to the cut.
Continue reading “Spoilerphobes beware: Star Wars veteran headed to Pinewood for Episode VIII?”
Star Wars with occasional sarcasm
This is another one I feel little silly hedging on for the spoiler-free among us, so let’s head right to the cut.
Continue reading “Spoilerphobes beware: Star Wars veteran headed to Pinewood for Episode VIII?”
Episode VIII director Rian Johnson shared a new image from the set today on his Tumblr, featuring Maz Kanata and (presumably) definitely not Lupita N’yongo.
April Fools was not particularly fruitful for Star Wars fans this year, but there were a few highlights. The champion’s crown goes to Mark Hamill, who led fans on about an Episode VIII “plot point” in his quest for a “#HAMILLION followers.” Whatever, it was dad joke adorable. See the collected tweets.
Also on Twitter, Charles de Lauzirika faked up a shockingly on-brand cover for a big J.W. Rinzler The Making of the Star Wars Holiday Special, which we all almost wish was real.
Then there’s, which played it almost straight with a nice Han Solo obituary.
I can’t say I’m particularly enthralled with it, but IGN got a lot of play for their fanboy-baiting trailer for Star Wars: Fury of Maul.
And yes, Club Hux was indeed a joke. (It started on Twitter, and was so well-received I took it to Tumblr and Facebook as well. Sorry about anyone who saw it on all three.) So yes, we will remain Club Jade, and the fic archive won’t be reopening for Kylux. Anyone who fell for it can expect a visit from Millicent.
Man, that ‘weekly tweets’ tag gets more hilarious every time, doesn’t it? Whatever. Here’s the past month. Adulting! Continue reading “Better late than never: Best #StarWars, #TheForceAwakens and #EpisodeVIII tweets for February 24 – March 28”
Adam Driver discussed Star Wars at a screening of his new film Midnight Special, and naturally there’s not much he can say (“They’re still at war,”) but he does discuss Rian Johnson:
“I feel like there was so many moving pieces in the first one – just trying to solve it and set the vocabulary for what it was. There’s a lot of that anxiety is gone, because people have developed a language. I think it’s more of a testament to Rian coming into something very established and making it [his own]. I can’t wait to get on set, just because he’s so unassuming and intelligent and approachable. The script they’ve come up with is really great.”
(He hasn’t begun filming yet? Very interesting…)
Driver will also be appearing on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert tonight.
Making Star Wars has a description of a costume for Poe Dameron – and, more interestingly, they double down on the Laura Dern rumor from last week.
→ MSW also has a (possible) detail on what Pinewood interiors the Dubrovnik location shoot may connect to – something we haven’t seen in a Star Wars film before.
→ Meanwhile, work continues in Ceann Sibeal.
Da7e at Latino Review claims to have some specifics about scenes shot at Pinewood with Laura Dern that reveal a bit about her Episode VIII character. This could definitely be spoilery if it pans out, so don’t click if you don’t want to know.
→ The Dubrovnik shoot is done, but the Daily Mail still has pictures, while the Digital Nomads have more video.
→ John Boyega, who turns 24 today, stopped by the Empire magazine offices for his birthday, because John Boyega is a delightful human being.
Though there are reports of inclement weather, an action scene was among the things being filmed in Dubrovnik. Even more alien extras were spotted, and the Daily Mail and TMZ are today’s source for the various elicit shots. A video over at Making Star Wars shows what seems to be part of the same sequence – or will be after effects work, maybe.
Actual shooting for Episode VIII has begun, and sure enough, pictures continue to leak. They do mostly seem to be extras, or at least unknown actors, as well as props. The most curious addition seems to be someone riding a creature. Speculation has it that the rider may be another ‘stunt double’ for an actor who isn’t (as far as we know) present.
In other news, Billie Lourd will be back, and her role will be at least a little larger this time. No word if she’ll still be sporting the hair buns.