Rumor: Mara Jade to be ‘introduced’ in Rebels as a bridge to Episode VII?

Imperial Mara Jade from TCG

Make sure your cynic caps are tightly in place, because this one is super sketchy.

Will Rebels introduce Mara Jade to the Star Wars screen? That’s what was yesterday labeled ‘speculation’ by Star Wars 7 News, who now say they’re received “tips” from “people close to the production” that this could indeed be the case. Here’s what was left as an anonymous comment on their site:

It can be said, that Rebels will introduce Mara Jade, into the film canon, sometimes appearing with the Inquisitor and she will be the living mother of Ben Skywalker.

Episode seven takes place, in 30 ABY. Jacen, and Jaina will be to Ben what Han, and Leia were to Luke. Ben is around the same age as his cousins. Chewie will be alive, and this is an all new timeline from 4 ABY forward.

Pablo Hidalgo, and Leland Chee have been consulting with Kathleen, and JJ, on EU elements, and characters from the database.

As of 2015 Books and comics will be part of the same canon, as Movies, TV and Netflix. Rebels has very strong connections to the ST, it will bring EU characters, ideas, and planets into the canon and it introduces two original characters for the ST, one Imperial, and one Jedi.

Is it plausible? Of course – it certainly doesn’t take a doctorate in EU-based speculation to come up with that theory. Is there really any truth to it? I haven’t the faintest idea – but it’s far too pat for me to buy it, particularly coming from a random anon. It’s exactly what “we’d” want, theoretically – of course I’m suspicious, and I urge you to be, too.

Star Wars 7 News also says that some of The Clone Wars bonus content will also include connections to Episode VII.

Abrams: “There’s a purity in not knowing every little thing.”

In a new interview with The Telegraph, J.J. Abrams talks a bit about Star Trek, Star Wars and keeping secrets.

Before the release of last year’s Star Trek Into Darkness, Abrams tried to keep secret the identity of the villain played by Benedict Cumberbatch – something he now regrets. “We were trying to preserve the unexpected for the audience, but it came across as if we were trying to be too clever,” he says.

“Star Wars is in every way a different animal. It’s always been a more open, fan-engaged universe than I’ve been used to, so I’m sure there’ll be some sort of compromise. But it feels to me like there’s a purity in not knowing every little thing.”

Secrecy, but not outright Khan-style lying for Episode VII? Let’s hope so.

He also reveals that Bad Robot staffers have “covered up all my windows with black paper,” while he’s working on the Star Wars script, “It seems rather extreme.”

Erm, maybe not. (via)

Highlights of Mark Hamill’s Reddit AMA

Hamill's Reddit proofMark Hamill had his Reddit Ask Me Anything this afternoon. Despite a late start and a brief troll issue, it seemed to go swimmingly.

He didn’t say much about Episode VII – sorry, no announcements! This was to promote the Make-A-Wish contest. Though of course he was asked about the Fisher report from the other day:

The only character I know for sure is returning is my friend R2-D2. He hasn’t stopped beeping about it.

And when pressed

Haha. I’m not being coy, really. When I find something out, I’ll let everybody know. But nothing has been decided yet.

I don’t know if anyone actually believes that, but hey, it’s not like we can blame the guy for playing it cool. Below the cut, power convertors, facial hair, keeping secrets and much, much more.

Continue reading “Highlights of Mark Hamill’s Reddit AMA”

Roundup: Parsing some of the Episode VII rumors

Ben SkywalkerSpeculation. I generally stay away from this sort of thing, but Mike Cooper’s piece on JJ Abrams, Jesse Plemons, and the best-case scenario is a good read based on some of the things we’ve heard. (I still hope that Plemons isn’t in the mix for a Skywalker, though.)

Gaming. Looks like 1313 – or at least the title – is officially dead, as the trademark has been abandoned.

Ancient history. Was Tupac Shakur supposed to read for Mace Windu role?

Fisher, Hamill and Ford to start in ‘March or April?’

J.J. Abrams said this weekend that Episode VII will begin filming in May; Now Carrie Fisher is telling TV Guide that she, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford will start in March or April. (And yes, none of the actors have been officially confirmed yet, but that hasn’t stopped her before.) Maybe it’s a misquote for ‘spring,’ or maybe Episode VII isn’t a mystery box so much as a confusion box? Or they’re all going to tour Highclere Castle Downton Abbey as team-building exercise? (via)

In any case: “I’d like to wear my old [cinnamon buns] hairstyle again — but with white hair,” Fisher also said. “I think that would be funny.”

Abrams: Episode VII filming begins in May, casting details will come “soon”

USA Today has more out of J.J. Abrams at TCA. “That’s the current plan,” he said when asked about a May start date. That’s later than the April rumors, for anyone looking to for something extra to get “concerned” over.

And of course…

“We can’t talk about story yet,” said the director, who plans to travel to England soon to begin work on the seventh film in the long-running saga. As far as casting, he had no details but said they will come “soon, and I look forward to that so that we can get past it and we can get on with it.”

“Soon.” Sigh. (via)

J.J. Abrams: Episode VII has script, is in “deep prep,” confirms they’ve “talked to” Jesse Plemons

AbramsJ.J. Abrams is out on the town today, and naturally he’s asking about Episode VII. “We’re working really hard and we’ve got our script and we’re in deep prep,” he told The Wrap. “Full steam ahead, y’know.”

He also confirmed that Jesse Plemons has been in the mix, which Plemons himself denied yesterday:

“He is one of the actors that we’ve talked to, yeah,” Abrams said. “But, you know. It’s not often that I read about actors that I’m going to be meeting… that I get to read articles about actors who are going to come in. And so I get to see someone and say, ‘Oh, I read that I’m going to see you.’ … It’s usually agents talking to people about what’s happening. It’s a lot of noise.”

And on rumors in general:

“There’ve been so many of them,” he said. “It’s amazing to see how many there are. … But it’s sweet because it shows that there’s an interest in this movie that we all obviously know is there. But it is an incredible thing to see how many crazy things get thrown out that people often then write commentaries about. How happy they are, how disappointed they are about something that is completely false. It’s a lot of noise, frankly.”

He dodged a question about directing future Episodes, saying “I’m just focusing on Episode VII right now.”

Abrams was at the Television Critics Association press tour thanks to Bad Robot’s Believe, which premieres in March on NBC.

Rumor: Judi Dench in Episode VII?

Dame Judy Dench in Skyfall

Here’s a new and exciting rumor: Will Dame Judi Dench be playing Mon Mothma in Episode VII? That’s what Full of Sith’s Bobby Roberts is hearing; They discuss it on the latest episode, which also features Joe Schreiber talking Maul: Lockdown.

SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.We know Dench isn’t adverse to genre work – in addition to her stint as M in the James Bond movies, she got her space opera on in 2004′s Chronicles of Riddick. (AKA where our old pal Vin Diesel infamously taught her to play Dungeons and Dragons.)

Mothma was originated by actress Caroline Blakiston in Return of the Jedi and played by Genevieve O’Reilly in Revenge of the Sith, though most of her scenes were cut.

I don’t think anyone doubts Dench has the gravitas and talent to pull off any role they want to offer her, but remember: It’s just a rumor.

Rumors: More on the Episode VII script split, Kenobi ‘daughter,’ Jesse Plemons and Boba Fett spinoff

FRYSQUINT: SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.Latino Review is at it again, this time with “details” of the Fett spinoff film and a few words on the earlier rumors. Namely, they conflict with The Hollywood Reporter and say the Abrams/Arndt split had to do with focusing on Skywalker kid(s) over Solo(s) and that Mark Hamill may “end up shooting 6 months on the movie,” which seems excessive.

As for that controversial Obi-Wan’s daughter thing, “it’s absolutely not true,” though “the Kenobi family will come into play.” They have no details, but throw out possibilities like a “niece or nephew” and “Force Ghost.” Maybe Lady Kenobi from The Phantom Menace rumor days will finally show up, why not?

They also say that Jesse Plemons is basically locked, but don’t expect Lucasfilm to name his part publicly when they announce him. His character will be “the main protagonist of Episode VIII,” and yes, I see you there waiting to comment “Ben Skywalker!” ::eyeroll::

SPINOFF RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.And of course no rumor dump is complete without a Boba Fett spinoff rumor. Yawn. Here’s what they say about Fett:

To counter-act the prequels, the Boba Fett spin-off movie planned for 2018 has an interesting twist pitched by Episode VII writer Lawrence Kasdan: the spin-off will start with a complete stranger killing Boba Fett and taking his armor, starting a Man-With-No-Name bounty hunter tale. So: someone kills the Boba Fett from the prequels and takes his armor and name. One this is for certain is that Kasdan didn’t like the prequel and wants no Bobba Fett Clone in the spin-off film.

There are shades there of some of the post-AOTC retcons, but we have every right to be skeptical. (Making Star Wars isn’t buying it at all.)

Latino Review also believes that Joe Johnston (Captain America: The First Avenger) is at the top of the director’s list, because duh. Three sources told them that, presumably after Googling “Joe Johnston Boba Fett.”

Whatever, man. As usual, I remain skeptical and urge you to do the same.