Rumor: The basic plot of Episode VII?

Rumor: The basic plot of Episode VII? Making Star Wars gathers together some of the latest (and very basic) rumors about the plot of the film and why Han Solo is apparently so essential to it. (AICN is the original source here, so take that as you will.) There’s a new-to-me tidbit that Daisy Ridley’s character may have been living on Tatooine for a long time, but as always: Game of telephone.

Today in Episode VII: Meet the LEGO cast


LEGO brings us the minifigure cast of Episode VII… It is pretty cute, but slave Leia, really? Meanwhile, it appears that Omaze is adding a lunch with J.J. Abrams to A Force for Change. Enter by Friday for a chance to win that one.

And in the Harrison Ford doom and gloom department, not only do we have the Oscar Isaac rumor, but the San Jose Mercury News says that one of the options that was (supposedly) being discussed at Pinewood the other day could involve writing Ford out of the film entirely. Don’t hold your breath for that one…

Rumor: Oscar Isaac’s Episode VII role to be beefed up?

Rumor: Oscar Isaac’s role to be beefed up? So says the New York Post, perhaps sick of the British tabloids getting to have all the ‘fun’ regarding Harrison Ford’s injury. They also claim that there’s speculation that Isaac may be a Solo, which seems to be to be coming out of pretty much nowhere. (Speculation on Adam Driver as a Solo, yes. Isaac as Han’s mentee, or at least playing a similar type of role, yes. Isaac as Han Solo’s son? Not so much.) The article does contain a denial from Disney about the “beefing up” part, but note we have no idea how big his role is to begin with.

Rumor: Might we see Episode VII delayed after all?

SEQUEL TRILOGY RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.According to Jedi News, there was a meeting today at Pinewood to discuss a possible delay due to Harrison Ford’s injury. Recent (if not particularly trustworthy) reports have him needing 6 months of rehab to recover. And Jedi News has heard rumblings that production “could be pushed back by a substantial amount of time.”

Nothing here is particularly solid, but I doubt a delay to, say, May 2016 release would be met with that much objection from the fandom. Disney, on the other hand…

UPDATE: PR is telling TFN there is still no change in the release date. Because of course they are, at this point. If there’s any truth to these rumors, there’s a lot of rubber-stamping that’ll need to be done before PR can confirm anything.

Doggies! Dispatches from the Episode VII cast

@ridley_daisy:  tingly Tuesday... Cause I'm home with my doggy! @JBoyega forehead shot especially for you BABOOM
Looks like Ridley and John Boyega are getting along…

Two weeks worth of tweets to catch up on here (and yes, the other one in a few days) so let’s just get to it… Oh, and in case you haven’t heard, Simon @Kinberg has joined the fun!

Though I will skip all the World Cup tweets, because we’re not that kind of blog, sweetheart.

Continue reading “Doggies! Dispatches from the Episode VII cast”

Today in Episode VII rumors: Denial backpeddling, Domhnall Gleeson’s beard and more details on the state of the galaxy?

STAR WARS RUMORS: Take seriously at your own risk.The rumors are pretty relentless this week, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down… Here’s just what we’re seeing today. Possible spoilers, etc etc.

→ First off, TheForce.Net has backed off a tad on their denial of the Making Star Wars villain report in light of the Latino Review report. Just another reminder that rumor reporting really is just a big game of telephone, so don’t take anything you hear truly to heart…

→ Not a rumor break before we head to the cut: Domhnall Gleeson refuses to talk Star Wars. “Nope. No. I would be shot.” UPDATE: Okay, he talks a little to MTV, says the beard isn’t for Episode VII and that he hasn’t been on set for “a couple of weeks.” (My theory.)

Continue reading “Today in Episode VII rumors: Denial backpeddling, Domhnall Gleeson’s beard and more details on the state of the galaxy?”