He may have signed an NDA, but Kevin Smith has let loose some details about his Episode VII set visit, most notably that the film will involve stormtroopers. (Which has been bandied about so much that it’s not really a surprise at this point.) Also, this:
“I’m really excited and you know, people keep saying that I liked the last trilogy and I did. I liked 1, 2 and 3. But I liked them as an adult, when I watched them they didn’t give me the same feeling I had when I was seven watching them for the first time and that’s fine. This movie though… Dude, I cried four times. The seven year old in me came. [J.J] has f*cking captured it, man. He has nailed it.”
Anklewatch! People is all over Harrison Ford’s crutch situation. “I wish everybody was so easy. He gets it. He’s mechanically inclined,” Brad Hunter, the director of business development for the iWalk crutch told them. “It’s a very active way to do recovery.”
Mystery! Why are there “Star Wars 7” signs in Atlanta? Is someone pulling a prank?
Rumors! Making Star Wars has a couple things that I’m about 99.9% sure are complete and utter bullshit from the same well as that Reclamation treatment from last year. Not buying the Boyega thing, either.