Episode VII to resume filming “later this month.” Thanks, Ric Olie.
New leaked Episode VII pictures from Pinewood?
New leaked Episode VII pictures from Pinewood? (In English.) French site Mint In Box have three new pictures they think are the Millennium Falcon. One could be old (though I don’t recognize it) but two contain green screen, which wasn’t used back in the days of the original trilogy. The fourth picture is a new (Imperial?) corridor of some sort.
Is this what the Episode VII stormtroopers will look like?
Is this what the Episode VII stormtroopers will look like? Artist Tom Hodges has seen one, and drew it.
Force for Change winner revealed!
Congratulations to the winner, D.C. Barns of Denver! Together, fans raised over $4.26 million for UNICEF, plus an additional $1 million contribution from Disney. Below the cut, a note from J.J. Abrams, and a robot hand…
What has Luke Skywalker been up to for the last 30 years?
What has Luke Skywalker been up to for the last 30 years? MAD Magazine (uh-oh) has some answers…
Bad Robot strikes back at Zack Snyder’s Star Wars teasing
“THE C3PED CRUSADER” watches over… Gotham? Coruscant? In any case, it’s a clever play after all of Zack Snyder’s Star Wars trolling.
Domhnall Gleeson on Episode VII’s NDA: “You are allowed to say you’re excited to be in the movie”
Domhnall Gleeson talks about why he can’t say that much about Episode VII on Huffpost Live. He’s promoting his new movie, Frank, but Star Wars first comes up at about 8:11, and begins earnestly at 9:51, where he discusses the non-disclosure agreement. He does also say he got the part the day before the table read. (via)
Meanwhile, he’s also on Coming Soon, talking about the film’s secrecy:
When you walk from your trailer to the set – you’re in Pinewood Studios – you have to put on a big, black cloak thing to cover all of your clothes, like full length, ’cause they’re worried about people seeing costumes and stuff. It’s crazy.
Also note: Still ginger. Still (kinda) bearded. #Beardwatch continues!
Daisy Ridley signs with UTA
Daisy Ridley has signed with Hollywood talent agency UTA amid “heated competition,” Deadline reports.
Today in Episode VII: Peter Mayhew praises film
→ Peter Mayhew talked a bit about Episode VII at a recent con, saying it “will be the best Star Wars film I will have seen” and about the day of the table read.
→ One man’s encounter with Mark Hamill at London’s Heathrow Airport. BEARD!
→ And in other 2015 films, behind Zack Snyder’s latest Star Wars mashup.
Today in Episode VII: What’s up with Hamill’s beard again? Who has the Falcon?
→ Rumors: It’s Friday and Da7e at Latino Review is speculating his heart out, with the addition of some possible spoilers regarding Mark Hamill’s beard and who actually has the Millennium Falcon.
→ Meanwhile, Mark Hamill and family were in Liverpool checking out some Beatles stuff.
→ Elsewhere, Daisy Ridley has been cut from The Inbetweeners 2, per Yahoo Movies.