George Lucas’ original plan was to see first sequel film through before selling Lucasfilm

lucas-strange-magicUSA Today’s Brian Truitt catches up with the elusive George Lucas, who talks about his youngest daughter Everest, Strange Magic and, of course, Star Wars.

There’s not too much about Star Wars, but we do learn one thing: He originally planed to see the first film of the new trilogy through before selling the company, but Disney’s interest happened at just the right moment.

“The only thing I really regret about Star Wars is the fact I never got to see it — I never got to be blown out of my seat when the ship came over the screen,” Lucas says. “The next one, I’ll be able to enjoy it like anybody else.”

Rumors: New Hasbro releases point to a digital saga release in the spring; When will The Force Awakens toys hit?

HasbroJedi News is all over toys today. They say there are Hasbro box sets of prequel and original trilogy stuff due out “to support the digital releases of the films.” That rumor has been floating around for a while now – last time it was fall 2014 – but if there’s any truth to the toy stuff, it’s a lot more evidence than anything else we’ve had lately. Capitalizing on May 4th makes plenty of sense.

Of course said box sets are completely lacking Padme and Leia figures, because that’s just how things are, right ladies?

But onto The Force Awakens – Episode VII LEGO stuff apparently has a street date of September 4th, and there will be a Millennium Falcon and an X-wing among them.

UPDATE: Making Star Wars has a source who backs up the release date, and adds something new: Kylo Ren will be on all the packaging.

Rumor: The Raid trio to appear in The Force Awakens?

raid-2Twitch is reporting that Iko Uwais, Yayan Ruhian and Cecep Arif Rahman, all key players in Indonesian martial arts films The Raid and The Raid 2, will have roles in Episode VII.

Since this morning, both The Hollywood Reporter and The Wrap have backed up the report, and /Film says a source hinted to them that “one of the film’s action sequences might have been choreographed by the team.”

Here’s a fight scene from (the end of?) The Raid 2 featuring Uwais and Rahman in what appears to be the world’s most spacious industrial kitchen. Warning, it gets pretty bloody: