Spoilerphobes beware: A salvage ship, maybe. Making Star Wars’ latest concept art description for The Force Awakens.
Rumors: The Force Awakens locations, speeders and more
The Force Awakens rumor masters at Making Star Wars has had a busy couple of days. They’ve explored the code names for some of the sets/settings and debuted a couple new speeder designs. Plus a location, something inspired by Moebius and some extras.
As for the other rumormongers, Latino Review really wants to make that old thing about the first spinoff being a Han/Boba movie happen. Turns out, bringing in Fett is totally the key to making the whole Tatiana Maslany thing way less exciting for me. (Intellectually, I know this does not mean that’s actually the case, but such is the killing power of Fett fanboy-bait for me. And yes, EU fans, I know what you’re thinking too, and I have no desire to go there either. The sooner we get something official on this movie, the better.)
Overall though, we’re really in something of a lull – or at least it feels like a lull. Fingers crossed we get something soon, even if it’s just another trade report.
Math is hard: Best #StarWars and #TheForceAwakens tweets for Jan. 4-22
Since last time, we’ve had Rebels come back, Star Wars #1 come out, our first spin-off casting rumors, of course, George Lucas George Lucasing. In other words, it was busier than I thought, so: ONWARD!
Continue reading “Math is hard: Best #StarWars and #TheForceAwakens tweets for Jan. 4-22”
Today in The Force Awakens: How much of George Lucas’ outlines are in the sequels? Not a lot, he claims.
Today’s The Force Awakens controversy, or whatever you would like to call it: In a Strange Magic interview, George Lucas says that the version of the sequel trilogy that we’re getting are not the ones he wrote. Or, to be precise, per Cinema Blend:
The ones that I sold to Disney, they came up to the decision that they didn’t really want to do those. So they made up their own. So it’s not the ones that I originally wrote.
As with anything involving Star Wars and George Lucas, the reactions have been mixed. Bryan at Big Shiny Robot breaks out a Simon Kinberg quote where he maintains that George’s blueprint is still very much a part of the development, and points out that changes have been a part of all the Star Wars films.
Either way, I have a hard time getting upset. Even without Kinberg weighing in, it’s pretty clear that nothing in this franchise ever truly gets thrown out. To paraphrase Eleven-ThirtyEight, every bit of the buffalo gets used. And we’ve seen over the years that it’s just as possible to do a good Star Wars story without George Lucas as it is to do an unsatisfactory one with him. But the internet’s gotta internet, so I expect we’ll be hearing plenty from all sides of the issue before the week is out.
→ In other news, add a new name (and woman!) to the cast list: Leanne Best of Woman In Black 2: Angel Of Death.
→ Shocking no one, LEGO confirms they will be making sets for The Force Awakens. The surprise is that they’re actually showing them off at the UK Toy Fair – along with a non-disclose agreement. But we can see the nifty tote bag that Jedi News got.
→ /Film maintains that we won’t be seeing the classic heroes in the second trailer, despite the Latino Review report.
George Lucas has seen The Force Awakens trailer
George Lucas has seen The Force Awakens trailer. “It was intriguing,” he told Page Six at a New York screening of Strange Magic. He had more to say on the animated film, of course: “I have been working on this film for 15 years. I was thinking about Star Wars being designed for 12-year- old boys, and I thought maybe I’ll make a film for 12-year-old girls, because I have a lot of daughters. And girls go to the movies. I worked on it on the side for those years, and we finally got it done.”
Mark Hamill: Walking onto the Millennium Falcon “still seems surreal”
We’ve seen a lot of Mark Hamill around the past few days, thanks to Kingsman, but most of what he’s said about The Force Awakens are takes on things we’ve already heard. However, for Extra, he had a few things to say about the Millennium Falcon: “I can’t describe the feeling… the déjà vu of walking onto the Millennium Falcon, remembering all these details that they’ve gotten exactly right… It still seems surreal to me and hard to believe it’s actually happening.”
Note it’s not a confirmation he actually filmed something on the set.
Spoilerphobes beware: More leaked concept art for The Force Awakens
There are 3 new pieces of leaked concept art at Millennium Falcon, including the new fighter Making Star Wars described the other day – though I’m pretty sure we’ve heard about all three of these from MSW recently.
In less spoilery news, we have some very solid evidence of a female stormtrooper.
Rumor: Second trailer for The Force Awakens will feature “classic heroes”
Rumor: Second trailer for The Force Awakens will feature “classic heroes.” So says Latino Review. They think it will debut at Celebration Anaheim and be attached to The Avengers: Age of Ultron – safe bets that have been rumored/speculated before.
Warwick Davis’ The Force Awakens ‘set selfies’ (Are not.)
Did the first poster for The Force Awakens emerge in Japan? Not really.
This Japanese Star Wars poster has been floating around social media for a bit now, but it hit the fansites yesterday… Except TheForce.Net’s Eric Geller contacted Lucasfilm, who told him it’s not a poster for TFA, just “use of existing text style for local promotion.”
Honestly, I haven’t thought the poster was that big a deal – even if it was our ‘first poster,’ the only thing it’s showing is the Japanese version of the logo. A curiosity? Sure. But not exactly groundbreaking.