The Force Awakens roundup: Helmets, how do they work?

spoilers-swirl-broadsaberIt’s time for another round of what does Kylo Ren’s helmet look like? Jason says it’s the one.

→ Going back a bit (sorry, I kind of got hooked on the Topps app last weekend and it killed any and all productivity) we have some details of a space battle, speeder bikes/troopers and a picture of Mark Hamill from the boat to Skellig Michael. #Beardwatch lives!

→ And finally, for our spoiler-free friends, TWO interviews with Oscar Isaac! One is from Vulture and the other is at Uproxx.

Good Morning America to feature Star Wars “secrets and footage” this week… But not from The Force Awakens

UPDATED: Despite an earlier report that The Force Awakens ‘secrets’ were coming to Good Morning America this week, the show will actually be featuring “never-before-seen secrets and footage” from the six older films on Thursday and Friday as we approach the digital release. (via)

That doesn’t mean we won’t get anything related to The Force Awakens or Celebration Anaheim, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Rumors: A description of The Force Awakens’ Celebration trailer? Or two?

sw-xwing327Earlier today, we got a brief rundown of what may be new trailer for The Force Awakens from Making Star Wars.

Star Wars Underworld also has a trailer report, with a few different details. (MSW has a few things to add to that.) It does involve something that could be familiar to EU fans… (No, not Mara.)

The two descriptions could possibly overlap in spots, as MSW doesn’t get super detailed. (Never forget that rumors can be like a game of telephone, as they often come to us filtered through several different people, each with different interpretations and foci.)

There is a third description that’s floating around, but it’s the same one several spoiler folks dismissed when it first showed up a month ago so I wouldn’t put too much faith in that.

In any case, hopefully we learn the truth next week… And maybe put to bed at least a few of the more pervasive rumors. (Ha.)

Is Celebration’s opening panel going to be broadcast worldwide?

abrams-kennedyAccording to the official French Star Wars website (via Dork Side of the Force,) the opening panel with J.J. Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy at Celebration Anaheim is called Rise of the Force, and it’ll be simulcast worldwide at 35 theaters in 23 countries. The likewise official @StarWarsUK account posted about a showing at London’s Leicester Square, but as of yet there’s nothing on or from @StarWars.

A worldwide broadcast – even if only at 35 locations – does hint we’re going to get something big. Naturally, everyone is expecting a new trailer – and the rumors about it being attached to The Avengers: Age of Ultron were making the rounds again today, something backed up by a now-deleted tweet from the habitual butterfingers at @RegalMovies.

Catching up with The Force Awakens: Big spoilers and set visits

spoilers-swirl-broadsaberIn today’s very spoiler-heavy report, Making Star Wars discusses the villains, what happens to them, and more evidence of a connection to some of the heroes. They also have some fan-made storyboards based on a previous report, and ‘the village people.’ Jason also has a few words on spoiler etiquette.

The Hollywood Reporter had an article last week about how Star Wars actors rarely become huge stars. Their point about “keeping yourself from any other franchises out there” seems to ignore that Oscar Isaac is going to play a pivotal role in the next X-Men movie, though, so take it as you will.

→ Simon Pegg talks about his Episode VII set visit with Collider, telling a sweet story about his daughter and BB-8.

The Celebration Anaheim schedule is here!

celebration-anaheimThe Celebration Anaheim schedule went up today, and man is it packed! There’s even a Tribute to Aaron Allston scheduled for Saturday… You bet I’ll be at that! Sorry, Rebels.

Here are a few of my picks:

Thursday: Not much for me, aside from the obligatory J.J. Abrams and Producer Kathleen Kennedy event, which will be simulcast in multiple rooms. But you should totally play the Bounty Hunt. Hint hint.

Friday: Star Wars Journalism and One Big Story: Working Within the Star Wars Canon.

Saturday: Full of Sith, Star Wars Comes Home to Marvel, and Star Wars at Del Rey.

Sunday: Tosche Station Radio, From a Certain Point of View (with our own James!) Novelizing Star Wars, What Princess Leia Means to Me and of course the Closing Ceremony.

There are also some worrying panels that are yet to be announced, though… They could very well be The Force Awakens or Rogue One-related.

That’s just what I really want to see, though: How about you?