The Sphero BB-8 has been revealed, and it is wonderful

Sphero’s BB-8 toy was officially revealed this morning on the Force Friday livestream and on Good Morning America. There’s a Wall Street Journal story if you want details:

Would it be possible to make a version of the existing Sphero with a head that stayed on top as it rolled? he asked.

As it turns out, yes. I asked Sphero’s marketing senior vice president Kelly Nyland how the company managed to get the head to stay upright. “The Force,” she told me with a straight face.

And a video of BB-8 with puppies if you don’t, thanks to Vanity Fair.

There’s also a review over at Gizmodo.


If $150 is a bit steep for your blood (or you don’t want to hand kids your smartphone,) there will also be a significantly cheaper Hasbro version that comes with a controller. But who are we fooling here? We know the audience for this, and it’s totally us.

The Force Awakens: There’s something about Jakku

Sure, we got our big news today in a tiny clip, but here’s the rest of what’s been floating about. Or dropping fast, as the case may be.

battlefront-jakku→ More hints about the Battle of Jakku and the state of the galaxy after Return of the Jedi in EA’s latest missive regarding the Battlefront expansion that drops in early December. By which I basically just mean they mention the New Republic again.

Scott Mendelson calls out the ridiculous box office predictions (yes, they’re getting even higher) for setting the bars so stupid high.

→ Force Friday check-in: Your Target may have a Star Wars crawl on their checking lanes and a remote-controlled BB-8 has been spotted!

→ Spoiler corner: A certain squadron name, and what may lead up to it.

Force Friday to be previewed with live unboxings of The Force Awakens toys on Youtube

tfa-merch-packagingYoutubers from Disney’s Maker Studios will be unboxing The Force Awakens toys live on Force Friday. The official Star Wars Youtube stream will host the events, which will begin with Bratayley in Australia on September 3 at 7:45 a.m. local time (5:45 p.m. EDT on September 2) and finish up with Chris Pirillo in San Francisco at 8 a.m. PDT (11 a.m. EDT) on Thursday.

You can see the full schedule on Here’s hoping one of them is that working BB-8 toy

Journey to The Force Awakens book previews give us a glimpse into the GFFA 30 years on

Jedi-Bibliothek spotted previews of the four Journey to The Force Awakens books for young readers on iTunes – and they reveal – or confirm – at least a few things about the film. Turns out, the prologues to Moving Target, Smuggler’s Run, and The Weapon of a Jedi are actually set in The Force Awakens era. In Moving Target we get a glimpse of Leia – and a confirmation of her title – and Han tells a story about the Millennium Falcon in Smuggler’s Run. Luke’s situation will have to wait for the movie, though – Weapon of a Jedi features a red-armed C-3PO and Jessika Pava, a pilot with Blue Squadron. (We’ve heard of her before, spoiler-lovers!)

I’ve cropped the Phil Noto art, above, but head to Jedi-Bibliothek for some screenshots and a bit of story. (Including Lost Stars, which, alas, has no such illustration.)

The Journey to the Force Awakens novels will all be out September 4.