Today in The Force Awakens: Lawrence Kasdan, Carrie Fisher, and so much more.

Abrams and KasdanToday’s must read is Lawrence Kasdan at the Los Angeles Times. He talks about coming back to Star Wars, working with J.J. Abrams, canon (pure gold here), and the inate goofiness of the original trilogy. Just some great stuff.

Plus, on Rian Johnson’s Episode VIII: “He’s going to make some weird thing.”

(The LAT also headed to Abu Dhabi.)

→ Carrie Fisher was on Live! with Kelly and Michael this morning, where she dubs her poster hairstyle “the baboon ass.” She’s in the Wall Street Journal as well.

→ The Fiat Chrysler Star Wars commercials are surprisingly clever (particularly given how weird their Hunger Games ones are) and one even has today’s MVP, Mark Hamill! (Okay, he’s just narrating.)

→ On the talk shows last night, we had Lupita Nyong’o and Adam Driver.

J.J. Abrams’ assistant Morgan Dameron on having a character named after her.

→ J.J. Abrams and John Boyega are firmly on Team Han Shot First. Sorry, George.

Chat alerts: There’s a cast Q&A tomorrow on Twitter, while John Boyega and Oscar Isaac will be answering questions via Complex Magazine on Tumblr.

Today in The Force Awakens: More magazine covers, interviews

tfa-carrie-goodhousekeepingCarrie Fisher is on the cover of Good Housekeeping, or at least the U.K. edition, for January. (That’s December in magazine world.) Most of the soundbites pulled out of the interview have been about being older in Hollywood and having to lose weight for The Force Awakens, but it does look like there may be more to the interview. Lifestyle magazines, go figure! Other new Star Wars covers include Lupita Nyong’o for Elle UK (you can find her on Essence in the U.S.) and Daisy Ridley for Glamour UK. Daisy’s December cover for Elle US is on shelves now. People also has a The Force Awakens ‘collector’s edition’ coming to newsstands December 9.

→ On Good Morning America, Harrison Ford revealed he’s seen The Force Awakens and declines to reveal Han Solo’s relationship status. Howard Stern had Adam Driver on, and I definitely recommend giving it a listen. (Driver revealed – accidentally? – he’s signed for 3.) And going back to yesterday’s J.J. Abrams interview on Sirius XM, he talks about that first cast photo.

→ New features from the Disney Channel on Finn and BB-8. And in his second explainer video, Entertainment Weekly’s Anthony Breznican talks about Rey’s speeder.

→ If you feel like you’ve been seeing a lot of Star Wars commercials lately, that’s because Disney has claimed the top spot in movie ad spending for The Force Awakens.

→ Of course Abu Dhabi (aka Jakku) will be hosting the film’s Middle Eastern premiere. It’ll be December 16th at the Dubai International Film Festival. Meanwhile, the movie will open on January 9th in China.

And now there’s Star Wars ice cream


With the collaboration of Lucasfilm and Disney, Brooklyn’ Ample Hills Creamery has created two limited edition Star Wars ice cream (frozen custard?) flavors. Per Entertainment Weekly, the flavors are:

The Dark Side (ultra-dark chocolate ice cream with espresso fudge brownies, cocoa crispies, and white chocolate pearls) and The Light Side (bright marshmallow ice cream with homemade crispie clusters, as well as a smattering of handmade cocoa crispies).

They can be ordered online and come in four-packs with collectible containers.

The Force Awakens’ will feature music from J.J. Abrams and Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda


The big news out of J.J. Abrams’ appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon was that he collaborated with Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda on the music for The Force Awakens’ Cantina equivalent. (Maz Kanata’s place, no doubt.)

Hamilton probably needs no introduction (but here’s one from PBS,) since it’s the rare Broadway show that the internet can’t shut up about. You can listen to the original cast recording on Spotify.

Miranda confirmed, in case anyone doubts Abrams:

Today in The Force Awakens: Gwendoline Christie models a Phasma dress, J.J. Abrams makes the rounds

phasma-dress1Gwendoline Christie herself models the Giles Deacon dress inspired by Captain Phasma.

→ No one got too much out of J.J. Abrams today, but he showed up on Good Morning America, Howard Stern and shared some interesting tidbits about Adam Driver and General Leia on Sirius XM.

→ Steven Spielberg thinks The Force Awakens could be “the biggest movie ever.”

→ Retailers aren’t stocking enough Rey (or Phasma) merchandise. Imagine that.