The Phantom Editor strikes back

Remember The Phantom Edit, the controversial recut of Episode I? Well, back in 2005, Mike Nichols took on Attack of the Clones, and blogger Darth Mojo has nothing but raves for his efforts. I’m not convinced, as the edited clip makes Anakin seem like even more of a creepy stalker-type than the original. Nor, honestly, am I really curious enough to download the whole thing. (via)

Clearly both recuts have been around a while – anyone actually made the effort? What did you think?

Your fan fiction is not going to be published

Literary agent Colleen Lindsay was submitted a Star Trek novel. Her advice:

Do not EVER – under any circumstances – send an agent a query for a novel based on someone else’s characters or world. Just don’t.

As for this poor, ignorant person, I give them 1.5 Jareos.

For more on the subject, I refer you to several of our own professonals: Rodger McBride Allen, Karen Traviss, and Abel G. Peña. You might also want to check out Keith R.A. DeCandido’s post on the difference between profic and fanfic.

Gate Geek – Twirling and Juggling

Some fun stuff to tide us over while we wait for the new season and Continuum.

The official site is treating us to a Season 5 Preview with producer Joe Mallozzi.  (Here lie some spoilers, but not much you haven’t already heard about.)

Speaking of Joe, get out the insulin, the annual Chocolate Party went down last weekend. ::drool::

Rachel Luttrell‘s discovering the challenge of juggling mommy-hood and work.  But she’s having fun(A wee bit of spoilage for both Seasons 4 and 5.)

Another Stargate mom, Amanda Tapping, reveals her secret past as a baton twirler.

Stargate Worlds is now accepting beta testers.

A night for lists

IMAGE: LandoEntertainment Weekly celebrates sexy aliens, with our own Lando Calrissian clocking it at at #4. (Yes ladies, a fair amount of menfolk make the list, which is nice.) Slightly less innocent is New York Magazine’s ten movie vaginas even scarier than the one in Teeth, which ‘graciously’ includes the Sarlacc pit at #1. Whoo. (Our Google referrals are sure to get even weirder now.)

Meanwhile, for the folks not in the mood to oogle or wince, take a gander at Deputydog’s ten stunning ultra-geeky home cinemas. While many of the home theaters profiled are familiar, there’s plenty of brand-new ones to discover (or rediscover.)