From the Blogside

In An American Mythology: Why Star Wars Still Matters Steven D. Greydanus looks at the mythic roots of the saga – and a few common criticisms.

Pablo finds an amusing letter in one of the old Marvel Comics…

Darth Morbus ponders religion and the force. Should we tell him about the folks who think they’re actual Jedi?

The Wookiee has no pants explores the use of religious metaphors in fandom.

Taxy’s adorable Pirates review doodle bring up Star Wars similarities. Beware spoilers!

Discussion: Beej wonders why people still make zines. I’ve been wondering that myself for years. Yeah, having fanfic in tangible form is nice, but that’s why Adobe gave us PDF format.

From the Blogside

Jedi Wampa’s treatise on the die hard fan. His State of the Fandom speech is a must-read for all blog regulars.

Sunnyskywalker is rereading Courtship of Princess Leia and taking notes. We salute your bravery, ma’am! Meanwhile, Gabri Jade analyzes Bantam whipping-book Children of the Jedi.

Snarky taglines for popular movies from The Jay.

Kenobi-fan rises to the challenge with entries on moonlighting mercenaries and dust cavities.

In the land of VIPs, Don Bies addresses the sale of ILM’s model unit and other fun and games, Aaron Allston is inducted into a gaming Hall of Fame, Pablo Hidalgo reviews Dead Man’s Chest, and Ryan Kaufman wonders if Luke would listen to Nirvana.

From the Blogside

Cherie Priest is a wicked goblin apologist.

Pablo Hidalgo and The Mysterious Animated Shadows of Return of the Jedi. He’s like Indiana Jones, in a way.

Darth Dan X explores the riddle of the Jedi prophecy.

RJ Peters on Obi-Wan and family.

DJ Maul profanes A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back with pop songs

Newsarama’s Grumpy Old Fan discovers Harry Potter ‘shippers.

Peter David considers public perception of sports fans vs. sci-fi and comic geeks.

From the Blogside

Ash Grey Sky has done some hilarious recaps of Eragon,making me once again grateful for my knee-jerk ‘hells no’ response to generic sword and sorcery and books written by 16-year-olds.

This is from last year, but it made me laugh: Charles Miller’s Things I Learned Watching Revenge of the Sith.

Shati and readers imagine Buffy’s Oz in a variety of fictional situations, including Titanic, Lord of the Rings, and Apocalypse Now.

Lord_Noctifer takes a look at Anakin Skywalker as chaos archetype.

From the Blogside

There’s something in the pixels at lately… How else can I explain this Darth Morbus guy? He’s doing Blogside-worthy posts on a daily basis! I can’t keep up!

Lord Noctifer ponders the Jedi and the Grail Quest. Of course Luke is Percival… I’m more familiar with the Galahad version, but that parallel works too: Lancelot fails in the grail quest because of the whole Guinevere mess, but his son Galahad succeeds because his heart is pure. For more Arthurian exploration, we turn to Darth Morbus.

Meanwhile, The Toastman goes back even further into storytelling history to bring us this look at Oedipus and Star Wars. (Although – the inspiration for the entire trilogy? I’m not so sure.)

The Dark Moose on Talifans. Did you know the Karen Traviss hating versions are based out of a Star Wars vs. Star Trek site? That explains everything!

For the economists in the house: Sunnyskywalker considers the changing face of commerce in Star Wars.

From the blogside

Pablo busts through the myth of the Empire surprise. All I have to say is this: The grass is green, the sky is blue, and Darth Vader is Luke’s father. Those are the facts of life for those of us too young to actually remember 1980.

Sompeetalay explores the differences between the A New Hope movie and novel. At length.

Darth Morbus plays the refreshes the old Star Wars vs. Star Trek game by looking at the storytelling, not the firepower.

You Are Dumb comes down on Talifans. Twice.

Darth Dan X implores fandom to embrace the softer side of Star Wars. Personally I have no problems embracing Ewoks. They’re great in stew.

OOT DVD post of the Week: Jedi Learner asks what is Lucasfilm thinking?

Betrayal reviews, week one: RJ Peters, Aush, and Borma Feng.

From the Blogside

Dan Wallace looks at how other universes maintain continuity, prompting Master Ki-Aaron-Mundi to consider personal continuity. Continuity continuity continuity. Is your head spinning yet?

Point/Counterpoint: Jedi Learner on why he won’t be buying the unaltered editions; Rive Caedo on why he will buy the unaltered editions. Good points from both sides of the fence.

Padmeskywalker77 channels Carrie Bradshaw to explore Padme, Anakin, and the blinding nature of love.

Diviner525 reimagines some tunes.

Pablo Hidalgo is tired of the quip. Possible mild spoilers for X-Men: The Last Stand.

From the Blogside

Today is George Lucas’ birthday!

David Louis Edelman follows up the ESB post I linked last week with his tale of going to see Return of the Jedi.

Pandarus writes in defence of fan fiction. Meanwhile, Hal Duncan has some thoughts on how creators and fanfic writers see the phenomenon.

Stella Belli asks who (or what) is Mary Sue?

The Dark Moose considers the curious workings of the Lucas Edit Machine and the OOT release.

Meanwhile, in the realm of VIPs…

Abel G. Pena on the art of naming Darths.

Don Bies meets Tom Cruise.