Girls have superheroes, too

Cath Elliott has a rebuttal to the UK report that focuses on ‘boy’ play.

Superheroes with special powers aren’t the sole preserve of boys and men, and they haven’t been since Batman first came face to face with Catwoman. It might be an idea if the denizens of the DCSF got themselves up to speed with popular culture before pronouncing on children’s fantasy play, if only to save our daughters from being excluded from all the fun when the nursery teachers ring the bell for “Spiderman time”.

Politics and Star Trek: the Federation and Federalism

So Yav suggested that I re-post this here. A law professor blogs about the ‘federalism’ of the United Federation of Planets, and comes to the conclusion that the hippie Feds are really a protection racket, exploiting the member worlds for the benefit of the humans.

Read the blog post.

While I don’t see that the evidence supports this conclusion, and share my alternatives that can explain how their economy functions.

Star Wars link roundup

Hasbro profits tumble after Lucas stock buyback, but sales are strong for Transformers and Spider-Man toys.

No Harry! I swear!