Neil Gaiman and the demigods of geekdom

Stardust may not be out yet, but it’s certainly getting its share of hype. It’s currently getting a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes (from only five reviews, granted) but Neil Gaiman is everywhere.

Really, there ought to be a band

Videos du jour

SDCC: The final roundup

I did not regret not going to Comic-Con until I heard this: They showed a Futurama trailer. Why is it not online? This is so unfair.

You changed the outcome by measuring it!

Trailers and such

Thursday @ SDCC: All the other stuff

Zachary Quinto is young Spock. Meanwhile, Leonard Nimoy will reprise his role as original flavor Spock in scenes that will act as a framing device for the film.


Friday is Star Wars day, so keep your eye on the TOSblog and Flickr.

Movie news: Trek, comic books and trailers

You can imagine yourself the pointy ears.Is Sylar-Spock reality after all? E!’s Kristin thinks so… We’ll find out for sure at Comic-Con, where reports are that J.J. Abrams plans to announce his Trek casting


Age of the comic book movies

Trailer park

  • The Darjeeling Limited. Wes Anderson film starring his regulars, as well as Adrien Brody and Natalie Portman. (She’s not in the trailer, though.)
  • The Last Legion. Colin Firth, Romans, Excalibur, melodrama, etc. Highlight looks to be Aishwarya Rai with a sword.

Movies: Remakes, superheroes and trailers

Forget the Potterdammrung: Footloose and Bill and Ted remakes? This can’t end well.




Movie news grab bag

I can’t keep up with all this Indy news, and no Jaders are volunteering. You should try the Unofficial Indiana Jones Movie Blog.


TV Roundup: Teacher, Mother, Secret lover

TV sci-fi has cred now. For the moment, anyway.


Battlestar Galactica


Movie News: Marvel, Blade Runner, Batman

AICN claims that Marvel is writing Nick Fury into Iron Man. And guess who they say is taking on the role of the infamously badass superspy?

Okay, seriously: Samuel L. Jackson. Mind, the source is AICN, and the information is unconfirmed, but who better?

You caught me in a transitional period

Movie News: Iron Man, Trek, Mummy, HP

ILM will be doing the visual effects for the upcoming Iron Man movie, with Skywalker Sound in on sound design and mixing. Ben Snow, who was VFX supervisor on AOTC, will head ILM’s team.

Also in film…