AICN got a denial out of Lucasfilm on the very day the rumor ‘broke,’ but Movie Geek Feed got a statement out of Steve Sansweet himself at Fan Days III. It’s at the tail end (2:58) of the video above. But first, he talks about 1000 Collectibles. (via)
Book Review: Steve Sansweet’s 1,000 Collectibles
Admit it. You’ve always wanted to see Steve Sansweet’s collection. I mean he has the World’s Largest Star Wars Collection. (I’m sure that has to be trademarked, by now. But it’s true.)
We’ve gotten to enjoy a video tour in the past, but that doesn’t allow you to really look at all the cool stuff close up. The new book “1,000 Collectibles: Memorabilia and Stories from a Galaxy Far, Far Away” lets you do that without trying to win a charity auction or do something really drastic.
The book is divided into sections based on the type of collectibles. Sections like “Wear It” and “Eat It” are particularly amusing.
The photography by his curator and co-author, Anne Neumann, really allows you to see the detail in each of the selected pieces. This is particularly useful for some of the more insane collectibles that just have to be seen to be believed.
For me, though, the best part of the book are the stories. You can find out how he started. He tries to answer all the usual questions he gets when he’s giving a tour. But the captions for each of the items are the most entertaining. They’re often a large paragraph long and include fun stories about how they were created and the odd ways in which some of them came into his collection.
This is like getting to take a tour of Rancho Obi-Wan without having to go there. And even though you don’t get to be washed over with the full show, the sheer volume of the book will help make up for it.
If you’re looking to add this to your holiday wish list, tell your loved ones that they can find it in the collectibles section of the bookstore.
Celebration not-news out of Fan Days
Unless you’ve been living in a hole or don’t read TFN (or Twitter,) this weekend brings Official Pix’s Fan Days III to Texas, and our latest update on the state of Celebration 5. To sum it up: They say Steve Sansweet said that a partner contract hasn’t been signed, but should be in the next six to eight weeks. Extend your betting pools into December!
Making order out of Rancho Obi-Wan’s Pete Vilmur interviews Anne Neumann, Steve Sansweet’s collection manager and co-author of the upcoming 1,000 Collectibles.
(The book isn’t out until November 17, which makes a hell of a lot more sense than last Thursday.)
Out this week(ish:) Legacy, 1000 Collectibles
A single, solitary comic this Wednesday: Legacy #40, the conclusion of the ‘Tatooine’ storyline. I find myself hoping that Morrigan shots Cade (not a spoiler: look at the cover;) if only to put
us him out of his fail spiral.
As for books, both Amazon and B&N are showing a release date of October 1st for Steve Sansweet’s 1,000 Collectibles: Memorabilia and Stories from a Galaxy Far, Far Away. A Thursday? Does that just mean there is no official release date? In any case, go ahead and start looking but don’t count on anything.
Details on the Celebration V announcement delay
We’re all getting a bit antsy on the CV front – Where? When? Ever? – but Steve Sansweet gave the lowdown to’s Bryan Young. Basically? We’re waiting on a organizational deal to be signed (in the past, that was GenCon) and that it could happen as late as six months out from the event. Eek!
Live action series coming in 2012?
That’s what’s Bryan Young is reporting from Steve Sansweet’s DragonCon panel. Sansweet also hinted that we may get some serious news soon!
Of course, the skeptic in me can’t fail to remind folks that this is far from the first time we’ve been given a ‘possible’ date. But Sansweet actually talking about it at a con seems like a good step.
Forcecast talks with Steve Sansweet in Chicago
TFN’s Forcecast (which now has a brand-new website of their very own) caught up with Steve Sansweet at Chicago Comic Con. He talks about Celebration V and the issues as to why we don’t have a definitive announcement yet. Key statements: He hopes to announce it before the end of the summer, and “It could very well be later in the summer” than the previous events.
They also address the whole ‘second animated series’ thing. “You don’t build two animation studios and just do one series. You have other things in mind,” and “not nessarily Star Wars,” Steve said.
Steve brings Star Wars to Chicago next weekend
Steve Sansweet will be giving a presentation next Saturday (August 8) at Chicago Comic-Con, aka the convention formerly known as Wizard World Chicago.
Should the speculation prove true, he may be announcing something noteworthy… But let’s not get our hopes too high this time. In any case, it looks like there will be plenty of Star Wars folks in attendance.
Steve Sansweet talks Lucasfilm, fandom
There’s a great interview with Steve Sansweet over at Digital City, focused on fandom and Lucasfilm’s relationship with us. I particularly like this bit about us internet savages:
…It is, and they have a sense of ownership that Lucasfilm is smart enough not to try and disrupt. And fans are critics, and people who post online are the ones who are the most upset about certain things, but we accept it all. Star Wars is what you want Star Wars to be for you. George’s Star Wars is something that he made for him, but if you don’t like a certain thing in his Star Wars, what are you gonna do? Everyone can take their own piece of Star Wars that they enjoy. It’s what fans make of it.