Oh, internets: You always know just the right thing to bring. Montgomery Scott graduates! (There’s also a Smallville one for the WB generation.)
Video: The Star Trek trailer, officially live
It showed up as a bootleg over the weekend. (Why it pays to watch the Twitter) but now that it’s Monday we can see it all official-like and not cut off. Yay!
Meanwhile, over at Entertainment Weekly, they’re thunderdoming Trek vs. Watchmen.
Abrams Brings Star Wars to Star Trek
I’m not sure if Abrams is simultaneously outraging or endearing die-hard fans of both Star Wars and Star Trek, but a recent interview for Empire Magazine has him wanting to bring some Star Wars into his movie installment of the Star Trek franchise.
TrekMovie.com takes out the relevant quotes.
Vulcan? Is that you? – Trek planet discovered?
Scientists have discovered what appears to be an Earth-like planet in the Epsilon Eridani System. For those not insanely focused on Star Trek trivia, this would be the system that is home to one Mr. Spock of Vulcan.
In the more geeky movie news, actor Chris Pine is apparently going to spare us the William Shatner imitation in the upcoming film. (Thank goodness.)
And in other news to help us all sleep easy, uber-geek Kevin Smith has seen the film and is giving it glowing reviews.
Star Trek: The Experience – Boldly going? or just boldly moving…
At the beginning of September, Star Trek: The Experience, at the Las Vegas Hilton, was shut down due to the hotel’s desire to re-use the space for more profit-generating attractions. The attraction, which included a restaurant recreation of Quark’s Bar, simulator rides, displays of original props and costumes, and gift shop, just wasn’t bringing in the latinum for the Hilton. But, according to reports on wired.com, Neonopolis in downtown Las Vegas is in negotiation to get Star Trek: The Experience and bring it to the next generation. No word yet on an expected opening date, but we’ll be waiting in the ready room!
We’re not the only fandom with weird…
Star Trek nutcrackers and a Battlestar Galactica PC? Shine on you crazy diamonds. (Thanks, Zee Zee!)
Old franchise, New vision: Hope for Abrams’ Trek
Entertainment Weekly’s Star Trek cover story is up! Are you hyped?
Cows as a security hazard and JJ Abrams on Star Wars
Bonnie scored yet another cool interview. This time, she talks to JJ Abrams; he of Lost and Fringe and of another small series you might have heard about. (Star Trek, people! Not Felicity.)
So apparently JJ found out that you can’t take cows across the border from Canada. It had to have an American stand-in. And he loves creating interactive websites that expand his shows.
And as a long-time Star Wars fan, he had a really cool idea for StarWars.com: how about an online Galactic Senate where fans could debate issues? Star Wars fans love to debate things!
Drive-by movie news: Star Trek bonanza! SF adaptions! Johnny Depp! Don Cheadle! Muppets!
Go boldly to the newstand: Star Trek is the cover story for the new Entertainment Weekly. The cover promises new photos and a set visit, but if you’re dying to see something, there are already a few images out and about the web. In any case, it shouldn’t be a long wait: We’ll see the story and images up at ew.com soon enough.
Bond joins the party: In other news, the first full trailer for Trek is set to be attached to Quantum of Solace.
- Adaptions: Ridley Scott is planning a return to sci-fi with Joe Haldeman’s The Forever War; io9 found some comments from Haldeman and suggestions for filming (or not) his back catalog.
- Pirates payday just a rumor? Writer Terry Rossio says that Johnny Depp isn’t getting $50+ million for a fourth POTC film. Cinema Blend has doubts. Whatever, man.
- Don Cheadle in for Iron Man 2: Cheadle will replace Terrence Howard as sidekick (and eventual War Machine) Jim Rhodes.
- For adults! Like me! The Jim Henson Co. has picked up a “comedic film noir murder mystery” script called The Happytime Murders. It sounds a little like Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but I’m a total sucker for muppets so I’ll probably end up seeing it anyway.
Could spicing up Trek with a bit more Wars save the franchise?
Also on io9 (Weekend blogging now? Argh.) are a few suggestions for J.J. Abrams, who a week or two ago admitted he wanted to bring a little Star Wars pizzaz into Trek. (I’m sure the Trekkies just loved that.) In any case, io9 tables some suggestions, along with a bit of wholly unexpected photoshoppery.