SDCC ’08: Star Wars Fan Movie Challenge winners

Rebelscum was reporting live from the fan film awards… Erm, Fan Movie Challenge ceremony last night. (There’s some stuff about Fanboys in there too, as well as a lot of fanboy squee.)

Here are the winners:

Congrats, everyone!

UPDATE: goes a bit more in-depth on the awards, including a transcript of the Fanboys portion of the evening.

Video Monday

Ryan vs Dorkman 2. Always two there are… an internet phenomenon and a sequel. The first one stood as the crème de la crème of the copious ‘fanboys with lightsabers’ genre, and this new one is pretty good, too. It even has funny, but does get a tad graphic (for Star Wars) towards the end.

Video Monday

Me or Jack? Lost: The Final Episode from the Consumer Electronics Show. You’ll LOL. Promise. Also: Lost Rhapsody 2: Electric Boogaloo.

The Supernatural Menace. The kids (or is it the slashers?) love Supernatural. So naturally there’s a crossover. Amusing, even to someone who still thinks of the one-who-is-not-Dean as Dean.

Sneak peek at the Ryan vs. Dorkman sequel, complete with talking heads. Oh, fanboys!

I may have blogged a few of Evan Mather’s Kenner vids before, but here’s few more – Quentin Tarantino’s Star Wars, Godzilla Versus Disco Lando, Kung Fu Kenobi’s Big Adventure, Les Pantless Menace.