Star Wars out this week: Force Friday edition


We all know by now (hopefully) that this Friday, September 4th, is Force Friday, when a huge chunk of The Force Awakens merchandise is going to drop. And naturally, what we’re most excited about are the 5 novels in the Journey to The Force Awakens line.

But first, there are other things coming out this week. Tuesday brings season 1 of Rebels on Blu-ray and DVD. Shockingly, there are no comics coming on Wednesday. (Shattered Empire, Marvel’s entry into Journey, will be out later in the month.)

You’ll also be be seeing things like coloring and sticker books for Journey, but for our purposes, here are the standouts:

jtfa-aftermath-700From Del Rey, we have Star Wars newcomer Chuck Wendig tackling Aftermath, our first canon story set after Return of the Jedi. We know it stars Wedge Antilles and new character Norra Wexley, but not much more than that. First of a trilogy. An excerpt is available, though I wouldn’t be shocked to see another in the coming days.

Disney Lucasfilm Press has four novels total. Claudia Gray’s Lost Stars is a YA novel that follows two childhood friends, one who joins the Empire and one who becomes a Rebel. The last three are set during the original trilogy, one each for Luke, Leia and Han, though we’ve recently learned they all feature prologues (at least) set in The Force Awakens era. I’ve heard these described as both for young readers and as YA, but the presence of illustrations make me think it’s the former. Jason Fry’s The Weapon of a Jedi and Greg Rucka’s Smuggler’s Run are both set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, while Cecil Castellucci and Fry’s Moving Target is our first canon story to be set between Empire and Return of the Jedi.

A handful of reference books will also be out on Friday: Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know by Adam Bray, Cole Horton, Michael Kogge and Kerrie Dougherty and Benjamin Harper’s Ships of the Galaxy. Both are targeted to young readers, and we know that Ships, at least, has blueprints to TFA ships. We can also expect an assortment of things like sticker and coloring books, which may contain ‘new’ characters.

We’re expecting a lot of hints and small pieces in these books, but most of the heavy-hitting movie tie-ins will be out later. The Force Awakens novelization will be out on December 18 as an eBook, the same day as the film, with a hardcover edition to follow in January. We fully expect the traditional compliment of reference books – making of, concept art, etc – but those haven’t been formally announced yet. (Though are also expected in January at the very soonest.)

Star Wars out this week: Take a chance with Lando #2

Lando #2 (detail)

The lone brand-new release of the week comes Wednesday with Marvel’s Lando #2 (preview.) Also shipping out to comic fans is the second printing of Lando #1 and the ‘remastered’ edition of their Empire Strikes Back adaptation. (AKA the one with the ‘modern’ coloring sucking all the gloriously insane 70’s out of it.)

Meanwhile, dropping (very quietly) on Tuesday is the standalone version of Daniel Wallace’s Imperial Handbook. James did an unboxing video back when this first came out, in all the deluxe box set glory. Like The Jedi Path and the others that preceded it, this one is Legends.

Star Wars out this week: Darth Vader #8


This Wednesday brings Marvel’s Darth Vader #8 to your favorite comic outlet. There’s a preview of the issue on

As for other releases, next week brings the standalone version of Daniel Wallace’s Imperial Handbook: A Commander’s Guide, in what may very well be our last Legends release. Of course, just over a month away is Force Friday, when the Journey to the Force Awakens will drop 5 novels – among them Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath – on us.

Out this week: New Vader, Princess Leia from Marvel

Well, after a few weeks of nothing, we finally have an actual lineup for this week’s releases – at least if you’re collecting comics. Wednesday brings Princess Leia #5 (preview) and Darth Vader #7 (preview,) plus the third printing of Star Wars #3. Then Marvel’s third collection of Legends/Dark Horse stuff, or, the Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Old Republic Vol. 1. It reprints Knights of the Old Republic 1-18.

Also, if you’re really bored, the Tarkin paperback is out tomorrow.

If you’re new to buying comics, Eleven-ThirtyEight had a nice piece last week on the hows and whys of the industry. For the record, I always use Diamond for new release posts – the dates on Marvel’s site have proved no less reliable than Dark Horse’s were!

Our next novel, Christie Golden’s Dark Disciple, drops next week on July 7.