Forthcoming from Del Rey

Looks like the big announcements from the Star Wars publishing panel was not only the anticipated Star Wars Atlas by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace, but also new edition of the Star Wars Encyclopedia from Steve Sansweet and Pablo Hidalgo. There have been rumblings about the latter, but I believe this is the first official word on the matter. Both books are due out in 2008.

Book Review: The Making of Star Wars

I have to start this review with a caveat that I have not yet managed to finish reading this book. It’s fairly monstrous and there’s a lot to read. Plus, I keep getting distracted by all the pretty pictures.

Having said all that, I feel like I’m far enough along to give at least a relatively-informed review.

Bottom line: I’d recommend getting this book if you hold any love for the original movie. It’s a lot of fun.

Continue reading “Book Review: The Making of Star Wars”

Book and comic updates

Nonfiction: J.W. Rinzler talks about wrapping up work on next year’s Making of Star Wars. He mentions two books I don’t think we’ve heard much about, a scrapbook and a pop-up book.

Fiction: Sue Rostoni posts a short timeline of Tempest. And in comics, John Jackson Miller has announced that Dark Horse is going to revive the in-continuity news source starting with in Knights of the Old Republic #13. No word on if this will spread to the other comics.

ETA: Apparently letter columns are returning to the comics as well, though it’s not known in what issues yet. (Thanks, Broox!)

The Club Jade review of Sculpting a Galaxy

Okay. I have to own up to my own Star Wars bias: I skip all the documentaries that involve models or special effects. (I know. I’m a betrayal to my own geekdom.)

So when Insight Editions (the folks who made the gorgeous Dressing a Galaxy, last year) announced a book about the models? I was a bit torn.

Sure. I collect all the books. But I was going for the Limited Edition one. And the price is not cheap. However, I can finally admit to having fallen to the model side of The Force by saying that it is totally worth spending obscene amounts of money to pick up the Limited Edition of: Sculpting a Galaxy: Inside the Star Wars Model Shop.

Totally worth it.

Continue reading “The Club Jade review of Sculpting a Galaxy

Bookstore adventuring!

aliens.jpgThe New Essential Guide to Alien Species came out yesterday. The folks at Wookieepedia and TFN are atwitter over all the new info. ARE YOU??? It’s Helen’s book! Buy it!

Puzzlingly, is featuring the Complete Visual Dictionary, which has been out for weeks, even at my local Barnes & Noble where I think they put out the new books whenever they ‘feel like it.’ (Note: said B&N does have copies of the Return of the Jedi radio drama in the discount area for $7.99. Check yours!)

Any excuse for a shopping spree, right? Or, umm, holiday gifts. Yeah, gifts.