The GFFA’s most dangerous weapons, sort of

Pablo Hidalgo takes checks off ten fantabulous Star Wars Superweapons from the laughable (Darksaber!) to the completely ridiculous (The Tarkin: just like Darksaber, but more than a decade earlier!) you’re sure to learn something. For one, in the Centerpoint Station entry:

Just one quibble: Wedge Antilles is Corellian and grew up in the Corellian system, which is home to this bizarre space station that is 350 kilometers in diameter. So why is he the guy who exclaims “look at the size of that thing” when the comparatively small Death Star comes into view?

And that’s why you should never take the EU too seriously, kids!

I can see forever…

io9 does another list, this time pegging the best ‘Futuristic Vision Systems.’ Luke’s binoculars make the cut, but seem rather lame-duck to me compared to stuff from Predator and Bionic Woman. (Yeah, yeah, worst fan ever, I know.) Warning: the photo topping the article will probably squick the hell out of you.

On the plus side, I finally know where the “I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass” quote comes from.

Lucasfans make the rank (#1) and (#25) bookend Entertainment Weekly’s 25 Essential Fansites. (EW also has kind words for both official sites.)

The force is strong with some of our other favorite fandoms as well – Galactica Sitrep (#19,) Heroescast (#13,) Project Rungay (#12,) Memory Alpha (#11,) Whedonesque (#8,) The One Ring (#6,) Lostpedia (#3) and The Leaky Cauldron (#2.) Congrats to all for the honor and (more importantly) all the extra eyeballs it brings!

Gross prejudice against buns

Behold! The Jedi mullet!Leia and Padme (twice!) make Yahoo’s list of the Worst Hairstyles in Movies, along with a certain poncy elf, Johnny Depp’s Willy Wonka, Halle Berry’s Storm, and a lot of ironically-coiffed folks from Frat Pack movies.

But what’s missing? The Padawan Mullet! While Padme had some weird hair, it’s not every day you run into a style that can fug up Ewan McGregor. Or how about Luke’s toddler do from Return of the Jedi? Man, I need to stop thinking about this, or I’ll be editing this post all day.