Here’s yet another addition in the lists o’ love to celebrate Valentine’s Day – Entertainment Weekly has posted their list of Pop Culture’s Best Couples: 26 True (Fictional) Lovers. Included are Han and Leia (#4), Ron and Hermione (#8), and Aragorn and Arwen (#13). They have even included Apollo and the Midnighter from The Authority (#17). I do have to take issue with Buffy and Angel (#6). Buffy and ANGEL? Ick. Now Buffy and Spike, that’s more like it.
Nothing says Valentine like twincest
Perv day was yesterday, but I had a feeling you’d enjoy this anyway: Luke and Leia card/desktop background from Hijinks Ensue.
On a slightly more vanilla note, SF Signal lists their top couples in science fiction, without the sister-snogging, and io9 has the valentine and their list of the top couples in Star Wars (with space incest.)
Would you top-tier Fett and Lobot?
In the news: While we were squeeing…
- Jedism: Charlotte Church gave the Jedi church people £5,000. Seriously, stop encouraging them already.
- Lists: Anakin and Padme make Yahoo’s list of ten most mismatched movie couples. On the plus side, Yahoo does put in a good word for Boga.
- People: Might as well face it… Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman are addicted to love. No, seriously, it’s a little disturbing. I forsee a lot of bad Darth Padme manips in this spread’s future.
The Jedi Council’s top 100 EU characters
In January TFN’s Jedi Council Literature board counted down their 100 favorite works; Now their buddies over in the EU Community have tackled the Top 100 Expanded Universe characters.
Once again, I’ve copied the top 20 below the cut. Some of their choices might surprise you… Or maybe not, depending how much you read TFN. Continue reading “The Jedi Council’s top 100 EU characters”
What, no exploding money?
io9 features Star Wars in two nearly back-to-back items today. First, Revenge of the Sith in a list of explodiest outer space crashes, complete with the sort of ripping on Hayden Christenson’s acting that’s sure to get some of the more finicky fangirl panties in a bind. Then, credits make an appearance in the alien money feature.
The Los Angeles Times has Real lessons from fake presidents, including words of wisdom from Laura Roslin and (naturally) Harrison Ford.
Elsewhere, Roslin fans can show their support with this nifty t-shirt.
The 30 shows EW readers miss
Entertainment Weekly is at it again – this time with thirty TV shows readers would bring back. As you might imagine, there’s quite a bit of genre choices – as well as other nerd favs like Veronica Mars, Rome, Arrested Development, and Freaks and Geeks.
There’s no Firefly, but it’s become such a given for this kind of thing that I’m perfectly okay leaving it off in exchange for all those shows I only vaguely remember watching.
The fandom minute: Cub Scouts and cannon fodder
- Crafts: Father and son create LEGO-sized landspeeder for Cub Scout Pinewood Derby. (via)
- Poll: How will Ahsoka Tano die? Face it, girl’s got that nice shiny Sibwarra aura all over her.
- Fandom: Fan gets married in Vader costume; bride dresses as Jedi. Guests included Dr Who and Ming the Merciless. Sadly, no pictures.
- Lists: Han Solo, Millennium Falcon namechecked in io9’s
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Spaceship Captains; taking financial inspiration from Star Wars.
Hasbro created Dengar in the image of Johnny Cash and other wacky coincidences
Topless Robot has a list of ten Star Wars toys that unintentionally look like other celebrities. Uncanny! The Zach Braff as Han Solo, above, struck a nerve. Perhaps ‘JediFantasty’s’ EU casting choices were less off-target than we thought? (via)