The fandom minute: Rabidity, lists, Yoda-speak

Star Wars might not be one of’s five most rabid fanbases, but it does get a honorable mention. And I’m going to go on record saying that ‘Star Warriors’ is a damn stupid name. If that makes me our equivalent of one of those jerks that froths at the mouth over Trekkie vs. Trekker, so be it.

Great Star Wars quotes and why we love them

One problem with this fandom is that we tend to quote each other out – literally. There’s only so many times a fanboy can quote a line before it starts to lose all meaning. But Movie Moron, bless their hearts, has compiled a list of the top ten Star Wars quotes – and why they’re great. I don’t always agree, but it’s nice to see a list that’s not just a list for the sake of a list. Right?

Today in The Clone Wars (so far)

The movie was screened for the media yesterday, so I’ll be on the lookout for increased coverage. So far there’s not too much out there (embargos?) but CNBC’s Jim Goldman has some (nonspoilery) praise. And has an interview with George Lucas and Dave Filoni.

To hold us over, io9 has ten reasons why the Clone Wars TV series is going to rule, including “seriously kickass female ninjas.” Not really sure about Ashoka myself, but I am looking forward to see more Asajj Ventress. Head over to Moviehole for an interview with TCW’s Anakin, Matt Lanter, and U.S. military folks are advised to check with their base theaters for early screenings!

UGO’s best and worst characters of the EU

UGO counts down the fifty best and worst characters of the Expanded Universe. And do keep in mind that the list seems to be backwards (Because otherwise? I can’t really buy a character from a game that isn’t even out yet as #1, even considering it’s a gaming site. Not that any of us are going to take this any more seriously than any other random online list… Right?)