TV News? A Jedi craves not these things

‘Tis the season for fun TV announcements. Is it the fall season yet?

Ripper has supposedly passed one more small hurdle towards becoming reality
Kevin Smith attempts to cover all branches of geekdom by directing an episode of Battlestar Galactica, an episode of Heroes: Origins, and the pilot for Reaper. Does the man ever sleep?
David Tennant is staying with Dr. Who
– Genre actors get some props as scene-stealers
– And “Watch With Kristin” gets a sneak peek at some of the folks passing through the island on Lost

TV Goodness

A few, small TV tidbits to share:

– SciFi has finally announced what everyone else seems to have known for a while now: Paul McGillion is back on Stargate Atlantis.

Kristen Bell is rumored to be heading on over to Lost

– Can Heroes live up to expectations in Season 2?

– Ron Moore decides to stay on with NBC Universal a little longer, but not so much with the sci-fi.

Flash Gordon not only shows promise, but already gets a DVD. We’ll have to see. I’m kinda fond of that 80’s cheesy version.

Thursday @ SDCC: All the other stuff

Zachary Quinto is young Spock. Meanwhile, Leonard Nimoy will reprise his role as original flavor Spock in scenes that will act as a framing device for the film.


Friday is Star Wars day, so keep your eye on the TOSblog and Flickr.