Of course there’s a new Greedo change in the Disney+ version of A New Hope

Hey kids! Who wants to re-litigate the Special Editions? Yes, in the version of A New Hope on Disney+, there’s a new change in the ever-controversial scene where Han Solo and Greedo exchange blaster bolts. This time? Greedo says “maclunkey!” And yes, George Lucas did it. Go figure.


Honestly, at this point I think they just do it to mess with us. And, y’know, bringing up one of the longest-running OT controversies is great publicity for the films being on Disney+. But I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. Or something.

Star Wars out this week: Hondo meets Han and Chewie (allegedly)

For Star Wars fans, one young reader book, three new comics and a trade collection are coming to stores this week. On Tuesday, January 8, the Flight of the Falcon series concludes with Pirate’s Price from Lou Anders and Annie Wu. Han and Chewbacca meet up with the notorious Hondo Ohnaka – or so claims Hondo. There’s an excerpt up at StarWars.com.

Meanwhile, Wednesday, January 9 brings Star Wars #58, Age of Republic: Jango Fett, Destroyer Down #3 and Doctor Aphra volume 4 to the comic stores.

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New featurette highlights Solo’s scoundrels

Today, upon the occasion of the movie’s release, a new Solo featurette puts the spotlight on the scoundrels – aka most of the cast, really.

I’ll have a discussion post up this evening for anyone who wants to char or give their first impressions in a spoiler-safe place.