Potter time: HBP poster, Deathly Hallows news
The movie posters for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince have finally made it on to the internet — and look pretty damn cool. Is it July 17 yet?
The BBC is reporting that the set where stuntman David Holmes was seriously injured last month has been reopened, two weeks before the filming of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows begins.
Finally, The Deathly Hallows was the most borrowed book from UK libraries last year.
Third Half-Blood Prince trailer!
It will apparently be attached to Twilight. You can see it here in a multitude of formats. Run, don’t walk!
Video: New Half-Blood Prince trailer
This is the ‘international teaser trailer’ but it’s pretty chock-full for a teaser! Enjoy!
Angry fans better than no fans at all?
Steve Sansweet gets quoted in a story on the Harry Potter fans miffed at the Half-Blood Prince delay.
Some think the outsized reaction could actually be a boon for the studio. Steve Sansweet, who runs fan relations for George Lucas’s Lucasfilm Ltd., says “Warner Bros. should be delighted. Sure, they have a problem on their hands, but they are also seeing the passion of their fans. The real problem comes when you have fans that don’t give a damn.”
Granted, the quoted Potterheads are certainly on the raging, ranty, please-calm-down end of the spectrum, but Steve has a point. Just, uh, refrain from sticking your hands between the bars.
Naked Harry not a factor
Daniel Radcliffe going the full monty on Broadway in Equus was not the reason for the postponement of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. At least according to a statement from Warner Bros. President and Chief Operating Officer Alan Horn. Whatever the reason, it still stinks.
“We’re not getting it for Christmas? F**k!.”
Talk of JadeCon: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince has been pushed back from November to July 2009. Rach pretty much summed it up. (See headline.)
Yes, yes, we’re still going to The Clone Wars.
First photo from Half-Blood Prince adaption
According to MTV, the Daily Prophet (??) headline is “More Disappearances At Ministry Of Magic.”
Dumbledore still gay!
Just in case you were wondering.
One of my two favourite economists found a couple gems today (thanks, Diane!). First, what is the real secret of Harry Potter? And, second, one French philosopher celebrates the release of Harry Potter et les Reliques de la mort there by asking whether Muggles represent the Thatchero-Blairite middle class clawing their way up from the lower middle class to the upper middle class, while Harry is… er, well, I’ll let you read it yourself. Bonus points if you can do it in the original French (and you already have yours, Paula).
In other news, filming of the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is popping up all over England. And a certain set of twins were recently spotted sporting identical haircuts and red hair.
Movie News: JLA, Potter, X-Files
Justice League of America script might have leaked. Emphasis on the might, but there are possible spoilers. In slightly more plausible news (it’s from Variety!) Jessica Biel may step into Wonder Woman’s boots. Well, we know she’s kicked ass before, but is she superhero material? I don’t foresee any complaints from the Karrdes.
Meanwhile, in another franchise…
- Daniel Radcliffe looking forward to filming Inferi scene for Half-Blood Prince.
- Transformers 2 in Summer 2009.
- David Duchovny claims second X-Files might begin shotting in December.
- Rumor mill: Rachel Weisz and Chloe Sevigny fighting for role in… Terminator 4? Yeah, right.
- Technician dies on the set of The Dark Knight.