Dark Horse CEO on Star Wars

ICv2 interviews Dark Horse CEO Mike Richardson. He touches a bit on Star Wars and handling franchises:

Media tie-ins seem to be the thing across all businesses these days. Before Dark Horse, I don’t think many companies had that much success with what we call licensed titles. I think the reason for that is that it was basically a financial move on those companies’ parts and I don’t know that the books were always good. They could have slapped a logo on the cover and expect that to sell, and often the work inside the cover wasn’t that great or inspiring. We didn’t approach it that way. Being fans ourselves as opposed to business people, we decided to find properties that we were enthusiastic about. In those early days, Randy [Stradley] and I would plot out stories and bring a writer in, and we’d basically create sequels to the movies and try to do it in an intelligent way. Obviously the fans responded because our licensed books sold huge numbers and still do years later.

The Star Wars stuff is in part one; part two focuses on manga and creators, and part three discusses webcomics, ratings, and plans for the future.

Comics from the future!

Rebelscum has the Dark Horse solicitations for January 2008. There’s not much, but Legacy fans will be happy to hear that #20 finally gives us a look at the Galactic Alliance. Also included is Knights of the Old Republic #25, aka part one of the Vector crossover mega-series, which just happens to be the focus of DarkHorse.com’s latest editor letter.

And for a look at more upcoming comics, previews of Dark Times #6 and Knights of the Old Republic #21.