The third excerpt from Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath: Life Debt features Maz Kanata, the orange alien played by Lupita Nyong’o who made her Star Wars debut in The Force Awakens. It seems that Maz features in an interlude, not the main ongoing story like our previousexcerptees. As excepts go, it’s the shortest so far: You can read it at USA Today.
Aftermath: Life Debt will be out in hardcover and eBook on Tuesday.
As first revealed on today’s Star Wars Show, we have the cover for the last book in Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath trilogy. Due in January, Empire’s End has been long-expected to deal with the Battle of Jakku – thus the flaming Star Destroyer, no doubt.
A bit closer (next Tuesday) is the second book, Life Debt. And if one buys the special edition from Barnes & Noble, it comes with a pair of posters featuring the Millennium Falcon and breakout character Mr. Bones.
It’s been a busy one, so let’s recap! The big news this week was Entertainment Weekly’s cover story on – the movie’s first. (The issue is in stores now.) Our most extensive coverage is still in the what we’ve learned post, which has been updated to cover both galleries. Additionally, EW covered Darth Vader and Mon Mothma‘s roles in the film. Rogue One also dominated the latest tweet roundup.
Mashable has our second excerpt from Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath: Life Debt, featuring a pregnant Leia Organa trying to commune with the Force.
We already knew Han Solo and Chewbacca played a part in the book – in addition to the title and the Millennium Falcon on the cover, they show up in the first excerpt – but this is our first look at Leia in the time period immediately following Return of the Jedi.
(Dare I hope that Ben is born here and we learn if his last name is Solo or Organa? Not to mention why his name is Ben? But, as Wendig says, we must manage our expectations.)
Head to your favorite comic shop on Wednesday for The Force Awakens #1 by Chuck Wendig (Aftermath) and artist Luke Ross. Marvel being Marvel, there are also severalvariantcovers.
For the Legends fans, there’s a new Epic Collection, Rebellion Vol. 1, collecting several issues of Dark Horse’s Empire, Star Wars and the Vader’s Quest miniseries.
Whether you’ve been waiting or just would like an electronic copy, the ebook version of Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath is currently on sale for $1.99, for Kindle, iBook and Kobo. These eBook sales are often for a limited time, so grab it as soon as you can.
@chrizmillr: Can’t wait to get “shooting”! #MayThe4thBeWithYouChris Miller, one of the directors of the upcoming Han Solo standalone, celebrated May the 4th by sharing a shot of Han’s iconic blaster. It’s not casting news, but we’ll take it. Episode VIII director Rian Johnson – who is currently shooting – opted for dry humor.
Out in paperback on Tuesday is Aftermath by Chuck Wendig, the first of the new canon novels to take place after Return of the Jedi. I gave it a B+ back when it first came out, and the sequel is out in July.
On Wednesday, comic fans will be able to get their hands on Darth Vader #18.
The novelization will include two short stories: Foster’s ‘Bait’ from the Star Wars Insider, and Delilah S. Dawson’s ‘The Perfect Weapon,’ which has thus far only been available as an eBook. These dates are fairly far off, so there may be some slight adjustments over time. Our book release schedule has been updated.