In the news: Samuel L. Jackson, bailouts, copyright, hotels and a criminal Chewbacca

People: Samuel L. Jackson received the American Cinematheque award earlier this week, along praise from George Lucas, Denzel Washington and Justin Timberlake .

Even Artoo and Threepio showed up!

  • Har har har: The Los Angeles Times has a bailout plan for Star Wars. My only question is, does George have a private jet?
  • Books: Looking for some light reading? Lawrence Lessig’s Remix: Making Art and Culture Thrive in the Hybrid Economy touches at least a little on Star Wars copyright issues, according to The Mercury News review. In any case, it looks like a must-read for anyone with copyright concerns.
  • Crime: Chewbacca Calvin Johnson of Georgia is racking up quite a criminal record. (Thanks, Paula.)
  • Travel: Wired takes a look at geek hotels, starting with the Sidi Driss and continuing with some places a little closer to home.

The fandom minute: Han’s secret shame, Simon Pegg’s fanfic, Artoo in D.C.

So if Lowie is Chewie's nephew... No, that can't be right.Holiday Special week fallout: Han Solo’s little-known furry roots glommed on by internets, many bad jokes (and debate?!?) ensue.

Better a Wookiee than a Selonian, I guess. (We’ll leave them to Corran.)

Wacky merchandise of the day: Artoo aquarium

ArtooquariumLeaving no niche unmarketed, it’s the R2-D2 aquarium.

R2D2 Aquarium is, in case you’re wondering, far from a tacky affair – though, we’ll admit, it may well sit comfortably on the fence between the especially incredulous and the vaguely surreal – as what’s on offer is a 1¾ gallon tank, an animated dome which will respond to vocal commands (with beeps) and a radar eye that doubles up as a periscope allowing you to spy on your fish as they feed and go about their re-enactments of famous Star Wars scenes before a suitably illustrated cardboard backdrop.

No, I think tacky is the word you’re looking for here. Or maybe “ridiculous” and “unwieldy” – matters of taste aside, I would not want to be the one responsible for cleaning that thing. (via)