Catching up with The Clone Wars: AP goes to the special hell, Henry Gilroy, defending the prequels

JadeCon is never a good time for real blogging, and so several stories over the last week got missed. Now that I’ve slept an entire night (and then some,) and taken a Claritin (damn you, con crud!) and am finally back in the land of working wireless, here’s some of The Clone Wars stuff that got missed:

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Today in The Clone Wars: Sad panda edition

Nab the widget for your own site. If only it was scalable…

Lucasfilm pushes the ‘girl power’ angle with Ashoka, though I’m not sure that headline is the inference they’re looking for. Speaking of our latest leading lady, there was a TCW segment with Ashley Eckstein on Entertainment Tonight the other day, but I’m not finding it on their site. Why you gotta be like that, ET? It’s 2008, and you are syndicated: Embrace the web already!

Less frustrating: TFN has some sample pages from the new Visual Guide, while MTV previews the movie/tv series’ upcoming game tie-ins.

eFX Collectibles website is live

eFX Collectibles

The new company and licensee launched their website today – so if you’re dying to get a jump on one of their 500 full-size Stormtrooper helmets (on sale tomorrow) you can beat the competition by registering today. Or you can simply check out upcoming products, like a Darth Vader ‘concept’ helmet (which even I can admit is kind of neat) and an Ashoka lightsaber.

Video: The Clone Wars Disney bootleg clip

TFN spotted this on Youtube earlier this morning, so better watch it before it’s pulled. (The scene is the vertical cliff-side battle we got a glimpse of in the trailer, featuring Anakin, Ahsoka, and a lot of droids.)

In other The Clone Wars news, Fandango says that the film’s run time is two hours, one minute.