Star Wars Identities exhibition to start in Montreal in 2012

Star Wars Identities has been revealed! Lucasfilm is launching a new Star Wars-themed traveling museum exhibition in 2012. Using the characters of Anakin and Luke Skywalker as examples, the exhibition explores the core concepts of human identity, both in the real world and for fictional characters: their origins, influences, and choices. Lucasfilm and Montreal’s X3 Productions, its partner on the Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology traveling exhibition, will be using a collection from the Lucasfilm Archives to develop an interactive journey that will allow visitors to go on a quest to develop their own personal Star Wars identity.

Star Wars Identities will run at the Montreal Science Centre from April 19 through September 16, 2012 before hopefully touring other museums around the world. Go to the exhibition’s official website at Looks like Dunc’s guess on what Identities would be just impacted on the surface.

Meanwhile, the Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology exhibit, which premiered this year at the Montreal Science Centre, will be opening in the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum in Valencia, Spain this December, and running through September 2012.

6 Replies to “Star Wars Identities exhibition to start in Montreal in 2012”

  1. It seems that the core subject matter focus is different. rather than focusing on technology of SW (FTL ships, landspeeders, droids, etc.), this is focusing on the notions of identity of an individual – more psychology and cognitive science.

    since it seems to be focusing on Anakin and Luke, we might see more props, costumes, and artwork that fits the theme of character development, choices, nature vs nurture, etc.

  2. I hope I can go to this, and the Indy exhibit, at some point along their tours. I already have two trips planned for next year (plus C6!) so I won’t make it to Montreal.

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