There are a few unofficial events you might want to add to your schedule: The Podcast Listener Meet-Up Thursday evening, hosted by our friends at Full of Sith, and #AhsokaLives Day on Friday, when Ahsoka-decked fans will meet for a group photo at 3 p.m. by the convention center’s fountain. And don’t forget to wear your tackiest gear on Saturday to honor Aaron Allston.
Con tips
Amy Ratcliffe has a nice overview of tips at, and she covers at lot of Anaheim-specific stuff that we’re not quite up to yet. Another good overview is the visual guide from Parks and Cons, including a walk around the convention center from Monday afternoon.
On that note, many of our own convention tips have been updated for Celebration Anaheim, most extensively lines and the autograph hall. Our most popular tips include photographing fans in costume, avoiding con crud, basic human decency 101 and a quick guide to Q&As.
Where to find us
Follow @clubjade and @jamesjawa for live updates during the con, but there are a few places we’re sure to be:
→ James is one of the masterminds behind the Bounty Hunt. This probably isn’t the place to catch him for a chat, but if you want a spot there’ll be some limited registration on-site at the Marriott next to the convention center. He’ll also be on the panels From a Certain Point of View, and Building a Thriving Local Fan Club on Sunday.
→ I’ll be on Friday’s Star Wars Journalism panel, and I also hope to make the Podcast Listener meetup.
→ There will be other Jaders around… Maybe you’ll see them.
→ Yes, we have buttons! I’ll have the logo and #beardwatch buttons on me at all times, but I’ll only take Yub Yub Commander out on Saturday – so try and make the Tribute to Aaron Allston. We only have a limited supply of Yub Yub and #beardwatch, plus a few remaining SPF 66 ones from last Celebration.
Still have my button that you gave me while we were both waiting to board a flight to….must have been Orlando? I was part of the flash “mob” (an exaggeration) at CVI – I think James was in there somewhere – Dancer Caitlin led the way. We could have been a contender with a functioning music player/provider. Have a great Celebration Jaders.
I would definitely like to get my hands on a Yub Yub button!
and I will have Team Hondo buttons!