Steve Sansweet’s collectible mecca is now an official nonprofit corporation. From their Facebook page:
Rancho Obi-Wan, Inc. is a NEW California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation whose specific purpose is to serve the public through the collection, conservation, exhibition and interpretation of Star Wars memorabilia and artifacts, using this collection to provide meaningful educational, aesthetic, intellectual and cultural experiences for a wide array of audiences and to carry on other charitable and educational activities associated with this goal. Send queries about private tours to
Which also means, basically, that you can arrange for a private tour or even rent the place out for an event. Check out some pics from the grand re-opening from our pal Matt Martin.
Legalese I’ll never understand: how “nonprofit” = “you can now pay to get in.”
“Nonprofit” means “not a corporation founded for the purpose of making owners or shareholders money”, not “doesn’t make money.” NFPs have to get money somewhere. I would pay to get into this one….
It costs money to run and maintain the place.
Plus, it is SO worth it. It’s an amazing collection and the remodel pictures look awesome!
I believe Rancho Obi-wan is located in a residential area that is not zoned for business licenses, so the nonprofit status was the best option for Steve to legally host groups at his museum, and keep his options open. This remodeled place offers many possibilities for those who share a love of (or obsession for) Star Wars memorabilia, and Paula is right it’s awesome!