Disney Parks. TheForce.net has a source that disagrees with the earlier MiceChat report that Disneyland’s Star Wars plans were put on hold due to budget concerns. While there is a hold, they say that it’s due to Episode VII. “They didn’t want to build attractions/a land without including the new movies,” the source says. “So since the teams don’t have a final script they can’t add anything from the new movies.”
Rumors. In their latest Q&A, Jedi News and Jedi Master SQL discusses The Clone Wars and spin-off films. For Clone Wars he echos the earlier reports out of Poland, but adds that they will be “non-sequential episodes.” The iOS app may no longer be in the picture, but there will be an “online digital distribution model” that will include far more than just TV episodes (“films, books, comics, and online web content.”) As for the first standalone, he doesn’t see how they can get it out for 2016, but we may hear about the director and producer as early as next week. He’s also still stuck on Benedict Cumberbatch.
No. This doesn’t seem to have much traction yet aside from some random folks on Twitter and Tumblr, but beware folks using Cédric Delsaux’s ‘The Falcon’s Hiding Place’ as being the Episode VII Falcon. The original image (third from the right on the second to last row of Delsaux’s official gallery) was taken in Dubai in 2009.
The TCW stuff contradicts what we’ve heard officially about the Bonus Content, we already know it’s full arcs. Pablo already chimed in: https://twitter.com/infinata/status/407189484749328386
This SQL seems less and less credible as time goes on.
TFN’s source and take on the parks makes a lot more sense than MiceChat’s. Holding for the script to incorporate more from Episode VII makes all sorts of sense.
Also don’t buy MiceChat’s claim that Star Wars in the Florida parks are completely dead either. Disney needs an answer out here to Universal’s Harry Potter-themed park elements and a Star Wars expansion addresses that need pretty well.
So you mean they AREN’T building the Falcon out in the open air where it could easily been seen/damaged/etc.?
In Dubai, no less. Shocking, right?