Open calls. UPDATE: “On Nov. 21, The Collegian reported false information in an article about a student cast in “Star Wars: Episode VII.” As far as The Collegian’s editors and reporters know, the part has not yet been cast. We apologize for this error. ”
Meanwhile, the London call this weekend has a new venue – Twickenham Stadium, while Dublin will be holding theirs at the Croke Park Stadium. The U.S. call Friday is in Austin.
Gaming. Electronic Arts has a ten-year Lucasfilm deal, and they won’t be producing direct tie-ins the new films, Variety reports.
Mystery. A Star Wars character will appear in the LEGO movie.
Interesting that they’ve decided to drop the movie tie-in game. Most of those tend to be lackluster and seen as attempts simply to cash in.
With the way games are now, the storytelling opportunities that fit a game format can be much larger than trying to shoehorn into a movie’s storyline, so hopefully this means that we’ll get better games from EA.
Also interesting to see that The Old Republic is now profitable as a free-to-play.
@ Michigan: I’m shocked that this didn’t turn out to be true. I mean, it was on the internet, the most truthful place in the world. #Michigandestroyedmyinnocence
@ Tie-ins: The last of those that I played was the one for The Phantom Menace, and I actually enjoyed it a lot. Sure, it was full of semi-thought ideas and often jumped from super-hard to all-too-easy in a split second, but it must have been one of the first Star Wars games to almost feature an open world approach and it was almost an RPG. With a little more effort, it could have been something…
Apart from that, most tie-in games – not just for Star Wars – are really mediocre titles, released solely to make a few more bucks without actually developing new characters and stories, so lacking any further information I will take EA’s decision as an indication that they are actually committed to deliver better content in the future.