UPDATE: Well! I suppose this counts as a confirmation!
There’s now a slick-looking website for the same Disney open call we saw from the U.K. yesterday, featuring dates in St. Louis, Chicago, Austin, Nashville and just outside Detroit (Troy) and Minneapolis (Bloomington.)
The roles, ‘Rachel’ and ‘Thomas,’ are the same, and this time there are even audition sides. They don’t reveal much, of course, and the setting is clearly generic but it does hint at a possible (incestual? snarky?) romance. And what’s more Star Wars than that?
Meanwhile, it appears that the Star Wars Facebook page has moved into post-ROTJ era now with this.
I think that’s just because… It’s the date, not any sort of crazy sign. It’s got a pretty insane number of likes, shares, comments and faves though, compared to the other stuff they’ve posted lately.
Sigh. I suppose I should do a post on that? (I’m so tired. No way I’m going to make it to AHS tonight.)
I expect and hope that is just filler. Otherwise it reminds me of Katniss and Peeta.