Fan Club Syncs Up

Those of you who have been, well, a bit put off by the timing of your Hyperspace online subscription and the new Hyperspace combined magazine/online subscription will be happy to know that things have been adjusted.

You can now renew your Hyperspace membership and get everything you paid for.

Let’s hear it for listening to the fans!

Big Damn Heros

Filming started on Joss Whedon’s Serenity a few weeks ago – keep up with the cast and screw via the official on-set weblog. But that’s no even the first set ‘leak’ – cast and crew have been posting all over the fan sites, so there’s an unofficial blog that keeps an eye out. And don’t miss the first set pics.

Comic Book Movies.. of the FUTURE!

I saw Spiderman 2 this week… In short? It was a good comic book movie but I really wanted to slap Peter Parker around. The non-action parts (and Kirsten Dunst) completely failed to pull me in. But the Spidey fans seem to like it.

Some comic-book news has surfaced: The first picture from Electra, featuring Jennifer Garner’s character from the flop Daredevil. There are also new pictures from Halle Berry’s Catwoman and Batman Begins – Christian Bale! Liam Neeson! Gary Oldman!.

And apparently Hayden Christensen is being considered for Daredevil 2. Run, Hayden – run FAR away. This is one used leather suit you don’t want to fill.

Taking the Long Way Round

Considering that Episode 3 still has some additional shooting, many people were more than a little nervous that Ewan McGregor had decided to take a trip around the world on his bike.

Good news. He’s still alive. And there’s a website tracking their progress in the build-up to the upcoming television show and book.

Kinda makes you want to hit the road, yourself. If only there wasn’t that lack of hotels….