Wantons… Come out to plaaay

This is old, but you come across the oddest things when checking out the Google searches people follow here… Hunka Hunka Burnin’ Jedi: the ladies of Entertainment Geekly talk about the Star Wars men.

Diana: Oh, lordy! Those Jedi monk’s robes are hot, though. I think it’s the boots.
Sarah: Isn’t it always the boots?
Diana: Yeah. You know, leather always seems to be the “sexual” fabric, but here the Jedi wear cotton, and it’s sexy.
Sarah: Natch, it’s the fabric of our lives! Now with 98 percent more midichlorians.

Ladies after our own hearts.

LFL Expands

Lucasfilm opens an animation facility in Singapore:

“I’ve been a fan of Asian animation and illustration all my life,” George Lucas said. “Asian cinema has had a particularly big impact on a lot of my work. When we began thinking about developing new ways to explore the craft of animation, it seemed a natural step to combine the two. By having a base in Singapore, we can create a new style of animation that will blend East and West and offer something not seen before.”