Rebelscum has an article on Thomas Hodges, an artist who’s now doing work for LFL. He’ll be drawing a pre-ROTS comic arc scripted by Paul Ens and due to appear on in the near(ish) future.
August Books
The three people who haven’t yet read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix might be interested to know that the paperback came out yesterday.
If you’re all HPed out, a list of sci-fi & fantasy books for August can be seen at Locus Online.
Apples and oranges
I’m rather resigned to the fact that George can’t stop fiddling with the Original Trilogy, but in the light of that, isn’t this quote just a tad bit hypocritical?
“Would color distract from their comedy and make it not as funny anymore?” Lucas said. “Maybe just the fact that they’re in black and white makes it funny, because their humor is dated. But by putting it in black and white, it puts it in a context where you can appreciate it for what it was.
“But you try to make it in full living color and try to compare it to a Jim Carrey movie, then it’s hard for young people to understand. Because you’re then thinking you’re comparing apples to apples, when you’re not. You’re comparing apples to oranges. I’m saying it’s not fair to the artist.”
From The Three Stooges — in color?
Replace ‘color’ with ‘CGI’ and ‘black & white’ with ‘guys in rubber masks and ships on strings,’ and… well.
Type like a Gondorian
Or an elf, a dwarf, or… well. Fonts based on those used in the LOTR movies. Use them wisely!
More movie fonts can be found at
“The only thing I ever write about is people”
Joss Whedon on why he took the Astonishing X-Men gig. Includes a 5 page previeew of issue #4. If you’re not reading this, you need to motor to your local comic store ASAP, folks. Yes, X-Men continuty makes the Expanded Universe look like an issue of Martha Stewart Living, but it’s THAT GOOD.
Beware of pixels!
Where my girls at?
Women in pop culture are getting more respect:
“What we understand is that a girl heroine isn’t just for girls,” Register says. “And in order for her to appeal to everyone, she has to be cool, smart, independent and strong.”
Ewan’s next film
Ewan McGregor gets back to sci-fi with Michael Bay’s The Island:
DreamWorks’ sci-fi project follows a “harvested being” who makes a bid to escape the utopian facility where he is being kept. The studio is eyeing a fall start. Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci (“The Legend of Zorro”) are on board to write the script, which originated as a spec by Caspian Tredwell-Owen.
Sounds like The Matrix meets The Truman Show…
Bookstore Finds
I think we’re in a book lull. At least, I didn’t see anything actually new at my bookstores, this week. Maybe there’s an inventory strike? (My B&N did banish the Star Wars and Star Trek books to another row outside of SF&F. I hope it’s a sign of making more space for lots of new books!)
At any rate, here are the magazines I saw, this week:
Star Wars Insider #77 – The latest Insider finally made it onto the shelves, this week. This is the first issue under the new publisher. And it features a lovely picture of the Classic Trilogy gang on the cover. What do you think the Top 10 Classic Trilogy Moments are?
Entertainment Weekly – August 13, 2004 – Much to the Wanton’s horror, there is a big ol’ picture of Ewan and the rather odd-looking beard (aka The Woodchuck) he grew while on his Long Way Round adventure. There is, however, a rather amusing article on the great battles of sci-fi. ESB versus ST:Wrath of Khan.
Film Review – Special #52, aka The Spider Man Special – No surprise, this one’s devoted to Spider Man. However, there is also a look at all of this summer’s blockbusters. (Or, at least, those who want to be blockbusters.) And there’s also a review of the top 10 films of all time, boxoffice-wise. It’s current as of two months ago.
US Weekly – August 16, 2004 – Oh, look! It’s The Woodchuck, again. However, they make up for it by giving us a really cute picture of Orlando Bloom on the set of his new movie. (Wanton’s are stalking Elizabethtown as we speak. PG…get the bail money ready!)
Until next time, intrepid bookstore stalkers!
All fantasy worlds are roughly square
How to write a best selling fantasy novel. Cash in now!