To those less fortunate

Greetings and salutations from the con suite. (Con suite- why does this sound like a french food term, incidentally?) We’re watching cartoons and drinking. All in all, it looks to be a very good sort of night. It will be an especially good sort of night if I manage to make it back to my hotel room under my own power. I did not achieve this level of verticality and mobility last night, much to my shame, having to be escorted home by friends.

Anyway, having a lovely time, wish you were here, only not really, as there’s no place to sit anyway. Okay, wish you were here maybe a little bit. If you had your own chair.

17 geeks (almost) dead by smoke inhalation

Tip: Don’t light sparklers in a pavilion.

The Galactic Games opened today. .. GO LUSERS! It was COLD. And RAINY. Enough to make me whine like a Skywalker. Who won? I don’t remember. Probably Spank.

Did I mention it was COLD. And WET? The Sith planned well.

But the Games were fun and the food was good, and PG got to practice the act of illegal parking, so it was worth the inevitable tuberculosis outbreak.

We just got back from the last game (Commandeering a Ship) which involved trekking halfway across the convention center. In my socks. Jedi Bitches! There were wonderful chairs, though. I can’t remember everyone who raced, but Tom Sam and Trina did try to cheat in their usual charming way.

And now the drinking!

Last Man Standing…

Well, literally…but I’m not the last sentient. According to the door list, Eliz and PG are both also left in the Bounty Hunt. Sadly, I’m also “Wanted”, as I forgot we were in an “out of bounds” zone and tried to kill my target. Oops. Now, I’m fair game for ANYone, and Yav keeps reviving as a clone…I’ve killed her once, and she’s died twice. So, we’ll see what happens…I’m having fun…that’s all that matters.

Well, that and winning. Yep.

Drunc Learns a Lesson

By supreme Acts of Mary’s Bar, I experienced my first hangover since my junior year of college this morning. I’m not even sure if that one really counts, since it was caused by half a can of Miller Lite. Ugh.

But this… Oh, this was a mighty hangover. Drunc is dead; Long live Drunc.

CJers, check your mail. Eliz has set up a test of the webcam in our room – we hope to have it up here in the suite tonight. Watch this space.

Jade Con babee

Ah, a first… my first Jade con blog. I’m pretty sure that if I were doing this with a little less YOW in my system, I’d make more sense. Or maybe not. :D

Games night was as usual, in-ter-es-ting. If playing something with the unlikely name of Killer Bunnies falls under the “interesting” classification. Interesting might be an inadequate descriptor – baffling might be more accurate.

At the moment, we’re in the Dark Sider Suite watching a BBC show called Spank Inferno. Or something. The male lead is quite pretty, though perhaps dim. He’s just told a woman she has 4 breasts. She of course is scandalized and he is trying to – unsuccessfully, I might add, trying to dig himself out of the mess he’s gotten in.

I’m not sure I can find this show, but I think I *will* be trying. :D

It seems the name of the show is “Vegetarian Spank Inferno.” I was mistaken. Again. Now, I’m informed that the EPISODE is VSI, the SHOW is “Coupling.” Quite the play on words.

Well, I am going to go back and actually watch the show. Till later, The Truth is Out… Live long and … May the Force Be With You.

aka She Who Has Been YOWed.

Best Sir Dan Game EVER!

I believe I am the first JadeCon poster to post sober. I will probably, therefore, have the worst typos.

The Best Sir Dan Game EVER is Mystery Date. Those of us old enough to remember the 70s might remember the non-SW version, where you open the door to reveal your mystery date. In this case, it might be Luke, Han, Bel Iblis, or… Salacious Crumb???? Oooookay. But watch out! You just might get … JAR JAR!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! See which of these dreamboats will help you on your date to Destroy the Death Star, Distract Jabba, Organize the Rebellion, or Escape Imperial Detention. It’s, like, groovy!


Yes…it’s true. I, Sithspit, schlepped. What can I say? Mary Franklin seduced me to the solid phase of H2O side of the Dark Side. It wasn’t too bad. But Deet can suck eggs…I still ain’t schlepping for her. She threatened me with bodily harm and she’s not even my apprentice. :-P

Hm…my Double-Bladed Sith from Mary’s Bar is empty….must find a refill.

“Before all else, be armed.” – Niccolo Machiavelli

Lusers kick ASS!

I was going to make fun of Liz for posting that entry under Dunc’s name but then Dunc had to go and fix it. Stupid Drunc Dunc. Also, the Lusers are going to SPANK Vegetarian Spank Inferno tomorrow. I mean today. The clock says it’s past midnight. Because we have SPIRIT and CHEERLEADERS! And very possibly pom-poms.

(Incidentally, I am drunker than Liz but not as drunk as Dunc. At least I’m still coherent enough to correct my typos.)

Vegetarian Spank Inferno

This weekend, many CJers will be introduced to Coupling, the BBC sitcom that gave us Commander Norrington. Those who do not avail themselves of the opportunity to watch the show on DVD will likely be utterly mystified by the stickers we are handing out that say, “I’m Giselle!” “No, I’M Giselle!”

And they won’t understand why Team Vegetarian Spank Inferno has the Best. Name. Ever.

I’d like to give a shout-out to all our friends on the boards who wouldn’t/couldn’t come. See what you guys are missing??

Also, Dunc (whose name I first typed as “Drunk”) is way drunker than I am. I will work on rectifying that.