It’s Potter Time

Some 7,000 fans showed up at Sunday’s world premiere of “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” in London’s Leicester Square.

Young fans tell “The Times” the newest film is the “best so far — by far”.

A Winnipeg-based band called the Wyrd Sisters has failed to get an injunction to block the release of the film in Canada. Members of the band claim JK Rowling stole the name from them. The lawsuit is still pending. (Errr… no comment)

And finally, Daniel Radcliffe hopes the bespectacled young hero he portrays in the films will buy the moisture farm in the last installment.

“I would like Harry to die at the end of that seventh book. I think it would be a very good ending if he had to die in order for evil Voldemort to die”, Radcliffe said.

Of course, it won’t matter much to him since he isn’t sure he’ll be back for the last two movies anyway.

This thing of darkness

An early look at the cover for Allston’s Betrayal, the first book in the Legacy of the Force series.

Word on the street says that’s Jacen on the cover, and with “the legacy of the Skywalkers may come full circle” bit… Well.

Also on the boards today, word from Sue Rostoni on the third book of the Legacy series – it’s Tempest by Troy Denning.

ETA: Suzanne at has put together an excellent post on all that’s known of Legacy so far.

Massive and maniacal

How Stuff Works tackles another object from the galaxy far, far away – The Death Star. (via Metafilter.)

For a more realistic interpretation behind the scenes, check out PC World’s interview with ILM’s Brian Gernand.

Why the ROTS DVD will show up as “Charlotte” on your computer. Thanks to the DVD, rumors are also flying about a digital Yoda replacing the puppet in TPM.

And finally, TFN is reporting that John Hollis, who played Lobot in ESB, passed away last month.