Out this week: Dark Times and Invasion


No book releases until the 18th (more on that later,) but you can look forward to two comics on Wednesday: Dark Times: Blue Harvest #0, which looks to be the online lead-in in print form, and Invasion #2.

One Reply to “Out this week: Dark Times and Invasion

  1. Blue Harvest #0 did pull in the two webstrips from MDHP, and then filled the rest of the issue with some concept art and notes, and the original art of the webstrip in b&w art sans dialog bubbles/narration boxes. would have been nicer to just made it half the size, and charge half as much, but there’s no profit for them in that.

    Invasion #2.. our young hero meets the Solo teens, and his sister has a meal with a Yuuzhan Vong commander.

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