Dark Horse Editor Randy Stradley wrote a bit on the upcoming comic series, including a first look at some of Cade Skywalker’s buddies who I assume to be the Deliah Blue and Jeriah mentioned. Cade himself looks a bit less Billy Idol/Rambo in this take, although he seems to have a bit of a Garfunkel hair problem. It’s up for grabs which of the Sith is this delightful Darth Talon fellow.
My buddy McEwok thinks Cade is looking a tad like the lead singer of Coldplay. Hmm. He actually looks kind of Solo-ish to me, but maybe it’s just the trench/gun combo. Or the nose. I can’t decide.
To me? He looks like the lead singer from Kajagoogoo.
“Too shy, too shy…Hush hush, eye to eye.”
(What did that song mean, anyway?)
Oh my. He does:
I’m scared.